Update from Pastor Betsy, May 24, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

Grace and peace to you in the name of God the Creator, Son and Holy Spirit!  I hope that you are each safe and well as we enjoy the most glorious weather this part of the creation has to offer!  What a change a few weeks can make taking us from snow to sunshine and warm breezes.  Who would have guessed?

Of course, the weather isn’t the only thing that’s been changing quickly over the past few weeks.  We are moving from near social isolation to a new phase in our “relationship” with the Coronavirus as we continue to adjust to this new time.  With warmer weather, the restrictions in our part of NYS have been lifted, though only construction work, lawn maintenance with landscaping, and some shopping access have been impacted. Masks and social distancing rules still apply.  The challenge is that many people have taken the nicer weather and lifting of some restrictions as permission to resume life as it was before.  I see people without masks, larger social gatherings and failure to comply with safe distancing in the news and in our community.  The fact is, that the virus is still with us and we are learning, step by step, what this means.  We are still at risk of “flare ups” and could overwhelm the health care system if many people were to be seriously infected at one time.   We still need to do everything we can to prevent that kind of outbreak.

So what does this mean?  Well, to be honest we’re still finding out.  The reason for the slow reopening is to allow for assessments and adjustments to be made, when and where they are needed.  We might find ourselves taking one step forward only to step back again if there are outbreaks.  If you recall my previous articles, I mentioned the denial stage of grief which can make us resistant to accepting a new reality.  Denial can cause people to believe that not wearing a mask or abiding by safe distancing is a way to “get over” the grief they feel at the loss of a former life.  I also wrote to you about experiencing a transition during change and how we can want answers quickly, but that it’s important to remember that no one really knows all the answers right now and it will take time, mistakes, re-steps and adjustments to get things “right”’ as we move ahead.  Flexibility, patience and forgiveness of self and others are needed most of all.  All of this makes us weary.  I myself am tired of constantly thinking about what is safe and what isn’t, remembering to take and wear my mask, keeping social distance when my first thought is to offer a handshake or even a hug when I see someone I know or meet a new person.  It’s exhausting!  Rest is essential for all of us as we learn new things, connect in new ways, and engage with more technology than we ever imagined we would need or use.  Rest will help us to access peace. 

As I said at the start of this message, some restrictions have been eased but churches are not included on this new list.  Recently, NYS has allowed gatherings of ten people for small worship group meetings which is to allow for the quorum needed to conduct Jewish religious services.  For other worship services and church building use, the new limits are that not more than 50% of the sanctuary or worship space is to be used at once, social distancing applies, masks are to be worn by all participants, people over 65 or with high health related risks are encouraged to stay at home, and media is to be used to stream worship services to the congregation and community.  Touching, singing, choirs and musicians are all restricted.  Just this week I received a lengthy protocol document from Bishop Bickerton and there is a clergy webinar that I will participate in on Tuesday, which will provide more information.  Then, a task force of the United Ministry staff, our Nurture, Outreach and Witness team leaders, the Church Council Chair and Trustee President and SPR chair will begin to define our protocols for reopening and building use.  There is a process we are expected to complete by the United Methodist denomination and, once completed, we will receive a sticker to affix to our building that indicates that we are complying with Covid-safe practices.  The good news is that many of the basic criteria for approval have already been done!  Though there is still much to do, we are several steps ahead and this means that we might be approved for reopening before too long.  What the timing will be, I am still not sure.  I promise that we will let you know as soon as we have things in place and the reopening can be announced. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t say how much I appreciate the spirit of everyone who has been working on getting the building ready for our return, which includes the support for Zoom conference meetings, online worship services, and live streaming.  Without the support of the trustees, the church council, the staff and the volunteer workers we would be in a far different place and our reopening preparation would be overwhelming.  Thank you to everyone who has been directly involved for all you have done and are doing for the church!  Thank you to each of you for your continued prayers and support, if only from a distance, during this time.  Your prayers have lifted us all on “eagle’s wings”.  Please do remember to keep the daily 8 am and/or 8 pm prayer time active.   The power of prayer is what puts the wind of God’s Spirit beneath our wings!   

Once I have more information, I will send out another update.  In the meantime, our weekly worship will continue as it is.  Remember that the Spirit of the Living God unites us whenever we gather in His Holy name – even while we are apart!  To God be the glory!

You remain in my prayers.  I need you to survive.
