July 5, 2020

Good morning, friend(s) in Christ!

As I write to you this week, it is a beautiful day, the sun is shining on the sparkling drops of recent rain scattered among the grass and leaves, the birds are singing and all seems well with the world!  I am thankful for our God who in mercy, grace and love, creates and re-creates anew each day and sustains our lives with all that we need to live in the freedom of Christ’s love!

Even as I celebrate the awesome wonder of God’s care for us and for this world, I must admit that this week has brought many challenges as we continue to watch the spread of the COVID infection across our nation.  As we pray for those who are suffering, their family members and loved ones, the frontline health care workers and the leaders of communities who are looking for answers to the crisis, it is difficult to understand how others continue to deny the realities around them.  I find it challenging to understand and accept the continued refusal of some to take measures to assure the safety of others and to justify their selfish behavior as “personal freedom”.  It seems we will need to continue to pray for them as we give our support to all who are developing ways to reduce risk, contain the spread of the virus, and help us find our way through this time to a place where the infection rate is in decline everywhere! 

That said, we are waiting to hear the latest updates from NY State on reopening.  I have been waiting for us the reach Level IV which will allow us to worship at 33% of the sanctuary capacity.  This will allow 72 people to attend each week, which is more than our normal Sunday morning attendance.  Eventually, I expect that State will allow occupancy of 50% (assuming there are no new spikes in the NYState infection numbers).  In the meantime, we are securing the equipment we need for reopening, including all technology to livestream our service and offer in room screen projection.  It will be wonderful to offer the choice of attending worship in person at our usual Sunday morning time, live viewing from home, and access to recorded streaming of the service at any time a viewer would prefer.  What a wonderful way to help people worship who are unable to be present on Sunday mornings!  Additionally, the COVID Task Force is working to finalize our COVID Protocols for adoption by the Church Council.  Once completed we will share them with the membership and outside groups who depend on our building for their programs.  Be sure to watch for, complete and return the short COVID Survey which will help us in our work!

As our nation continues to face the challenges of our long his/herstory and the lingering infections caused by slavery and racism, I hope you will continue to pray with me for the God of all peace to be with us and our country during this time.  We have been given a tremendous opportunity to create a positive change and if we don’t, the infections within our nation will fester and cause even more damage to individuals, communities, institutions and our country.  This time has been entrusted to us by God.  I pray that we can respond faithfully and with the integrity and truth that is needed for healing to occur. 
Hopefully, like me, you’re finding ways to be out and about on these nice weather days and that you’re able to be with some of your family and friends.  We have all suffered as we missed those social contacts and connections!  I also hope that you are staying well in body, mind and spirit (COVID isn’t the only reasons we have to stay focused on our well-being!).  Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay strong in the faith! 
Remember, I love you and I need you to survive!
