Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

I greet you in the name of the glorious Savior who is the healer of our brokenness and of the world. 

Well, another week has passed and there is still uncertainty about where we’re “at” with the COVID pandemic.  Things in Delaware County are good for now with “0” new infections reported.  However, the testing has been reduced so that raises some questions about what is really happening.  That, coupled with school re-openings and reports of increased infection rates, the virus carried by children, and youth and young adults who won’t abide by safe practices, increases our concern.  I hope that you are continuing with the prayers for all impacted during this time and for God’s help in guiding us through these days, safely, and with care for all. 

This week at the church we have continued to be busy ourselves with preparations for our re-opening.  MacIntosh Hall and the hallway outside the basement floor bathrooms have been painted and that project is now complete (or nearly so).  The next painting will be in the Playschool Bathroom and classroom 5 & 6.  After that we will put down our paintbrushes and clean the rooms for re-opening.  This means that our sexton will ready the rooms in the building for our return to worship and for the start of limited use by outside groups.  Presently we are working with AlAnon, Boy Scouts and Red Cross who are each preparing a fall schedule.  We have their protocols and they have each received United Ministry’s protocols for outside group use.  Hopefully, we can arrange to start after the congregation returns to the building for worship.  Please be assured that the protocols are very complete and have specific requirements for each group to follow.  In addition, each room used and the bathroom assigned to the group will be cleaned after each use and before any other group is admitted.  We are doing all we can to prevent infection, with the understanding that we can’t completely protect.  Everyone must make their own decisions about how and when to be in group situations with others.  The safety of all, including our church cleaner, Evelyn Jacksto, is primary!  We also expect that the Playschool will open after the first week of classes at DA, per the usual schedule.  Again, protocols are in place to assure the protection of the children, staff and families.  I ask for your prayers at this time of both excitement and uncertainty for all involved. 

On Friday, August 21st, I wrote a letter that summarizes the results of the Church Opening Survey.  The letter has been emailed and sent through US Mail (to any who don’t receive email).  I really appreciate everyone who took the time to respond to the survey and the thoughtful answers given to the questions.  Most are missing church and the fellowship and music.  Many don’t feel comfortable returning, though some are more than ready to get back.  Others had some specific questions and concerns.  I hope you’ll take a look at the letter to see the survey results and some answers I’ve provided to the questions that were raised.  The good news is that we have a reopening date!  Pat Nabinger, Deb Kearney, Chelsea Frisbee and I have agreed that we will be ready to worship and live stream on Sunday, September 13th.  Pat is working on some music for both organ and piano that will bring us together as we hear the hymns and songs we have missed!  Deb has been putting together our worship service for projection and Chelsea is setting up for the projection and live streaming.  I’m working on a service that will acknowledge the time that’s passed since we were together and celebrates the joyful new beginning God provides.  I hope that you’ll join us in person – or remotely.  I completely support your decision, either way. 

As the season begins to shift once again, there is much going on in our lives, our community and the world.  Let’s keep praying for God’s help and strength to carry us through!  You remain in my prayers.  I love you and I need you to survive,

Pastor Betsy