March 17, 2020 Update From Pastor Betsy Ott
Dear Friends in Christ,
During this time of uncertainty, we are responding to the changed reality as quickly and carefully as possible.
I suggest that you take the time today and in the days ahead to read Psalm 91 which reminds us that in every challenging time, God is with us, cares for us, protects us and provides for us. Please hold firm to that promise as we navigate the way forward together. As we remain confident in the faith and trust we have in our loving Creator, we become powerful witnesses to those who need our care, our comfort, our support, our prayers and our love.
Included with this message is a update from Bishop Thomas Bickerton who has requested that all churches continue to suspend Sunday worship services through Palm Sunday, April 5. We will comply with the Bishop. Please watch for the messages that will arrive weekly starting March 18 and every following weekend while we are closed. The messages will bring worship to you while you are at home with prayer and scripture, links for music, prayer requests, and online giving along with a recorded Reflection from the pastor.
Included with this message are updates regarding the building shut down and opportunities for serving. Please give them your prayerful consideration while paying attention to any warnings for you to follow based upon your age or current health conditions.
All of this may seem unreal to us and we might even think that people, including me, are over reacting. However, if we come through this experience without loss of life or lengthy illness we will know – not that the virus wasn’t serious – but that we were able to prevent infection by taking appropriate precautions. I urge you all to take care and follow the recommendations as we receive them from people with training in infectious disease prevention. How wonderful it will be to get to the other side of this time together once again – healthy, intact, and ready for joyful fellowship together!
In the meantime, let us hold one another in prayer and be certain that you are in mine. I am asking that you set aside one or two times a day to pray in unison, even while we’re apart. Please mark your calendar or set you phone for 8 am and 8 pm as daily prayer times. When you pray remember to pray for one another, for those who are isolated and alone, for the sick, for the grieving and for the Peace of Christ to be with us all. Remember, that when we pray in this way the Holy Spirit joins with us and connects us as one body, even though we are not physically together. What a wonderful God we serve!
Pastor Betsy
CHURCH OFFICE AND STAFF – While the building is being deep cleaned, the church staff will be preparing their work areas for cleaning. However, much of the time we will be working remotely. The office phone will be accessed daily for any message retrieval. We can be reached by email with any question or concern that you may have. In case you need pastoral care, my cell number is 914-584-3872. Please don’t hesitate to call me and do leave a message if I don’t pick up. I’ll return your call as soon as possible.
VISITATION – During this time visitation will be nearly impossible. However, Cathy Johnson is organizing a list of people who will keep contact with those in the congregation who will be alone and feeling challenged by the social isolation. Cathy would like to hear from anyone who can make phone daily phone calls to the home bound. The plan is to set a time of day for these calls to be made following the 8 am or before the 8 pm congregational prayer time. People who are homebound can be on the list and serve the church by calling others who are also shut-in. Cathy would also appreciate knowing of anyone who can drop off food to those who can’t go to the grocery at this time. Please call Cathy if you’re able to help.
FOOD PANTRY NEEDS HELP! If you are not working or have extra time to spare, please consider helping out at the food pantry. As many if not all of our regular volunteers are in the high risk group, we need young and healthy adults, to pre-bag groceries for pick up, shop, and stock shelves. Please reach out to Ann Smith if you can help out. We are following the safety protocols as directed as we hope to keep the doors open. This ministry is a missional priority as people continue to lose part-time and full-time jobs and income during this time.
WEEKLY OFFERINGS AND STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN – During this time it is important to remember that the church still needs your financial support. Please plan to make your contribution through the online giving link, by arrangement with your local bank for auto-payment, or by mailing your check to the church. You may also send your pledge card directly to the church at any time. We will dedicate the pledges as soon as possible once we resume regular worship.
KIDS CLUB AND YOUTH GROUP The weekly Kids Club is suspended at least until school reopens. Please watch for announcements! The Kids Club offering for the Heifer Project can be held until we resume meetings. We will keep you updated on this mission the kids are doing!
Youth Group is also suspended until at least April 14th. We will resume once the building is reopened. Watch for announcements!
AL ANON – Our building will remain open to the Al Anon Group during this time since this is a priority ministry. During times of stress there is an even greater need for the support this group provides.
ALL NON-ESSENTIAL BUILDING USE IS SHUT DOWN AND/OR POSTPONED: Boy Scouts, Therapy Groups, Tai Chi, Tuesday Luncheon, Women’s Circle and all other regular groups that use the building have been notified that the building is shut for deep cleaning. Other non-regular users have been notified that there event or activity must be rescheduled once we can safely do so. This includes the Blood Drive.
DEEP CLEANING: The Board of Trustees will be securing a contract for a deep and thorough cleaning of the entire building. All areas will be cleaned and sanitized, including the sanctuary, Playschool area, Nursery, classrooms, offices, kitchen, meeting rooms and food pantry. The building will not reopen for public use or worship until this cleaning is completed.
ORGAN CONCERT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED! – The organ concert featuring Curt Sandler that was planned for Saturday, March 21 has been rescheduled and will be held on October 3rd at 3 pm. Mark your calendars now and hold the date!
PLAYSCHOOL EVENTS – The special offering planned for the Playschool that was planned for the last two Sundays of April and the first two Sunday of May will be rescheduled for another time. Please watch for updates! The Bake Sale that was planned for Saturday, March 21st as part of the St Patrick’s Celebration, will be rescheduled. The Spaghetti Dinner scheduled for May 15th is still on the calendar. If plans change, we will inform you immediately.