Monday, December 7, 2020

A WORD FROM THE PASTOR…..  For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Dear Friends in Christ,

I’ve had enough!  Have you had enough?  Aren’t you tired of COVID and COVID worry?  Aren’t the challenges wearing thin – or wait – maybe it’s that we’re wearing thin! I know that I feel stretched to the max much of the time and I imagine you do, too.  This pandemic is taking all we’ve got – and then some.  And it doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon.  In fact, my pastor mailbox fills daily with updates and blogs about how to deal with something called “ COVID Fatigue” (which is another name for COVID Depression) and how to be a helpful supportive and positive voice of pastoral support and calm during this time.  And I try, but it isn’t always easy.  In fact, a lot of the times it’s pretty difficult to stay upbeat, to constantly adjust and adapt and to face the uncertainty of each day.  I admit that even answering the phone or emails is challenging right now because too often lately the news brings yet another message about a friend or family member or colleague who is infected or who has died.  

Out of curiosity, I did a little research to find out how past generations dealt with times of intense challenge and I learned that all in all – they also experienced fatigue and depression.  During the Great Influenza Epidemic of 1918, some people took the advice of experts, but many others didn’t wear masks or social distance while businesses and factories kept going even at risk to employees and patrons, and churches were “hot houses” for infection because people continued to gather in closed rooms, with no social distancing to sing and share communion.  During the two World Wars and the Depression, people also experienced “fatigue and depression” or simply didn’t want to make the sacrifice to abide by the rules – and so there was the black market to get around rationing, and some people even refused to abide by the blackout requirements.  In other words, we have always had to face the challenges of difficult and dangerous times while also experiencing the emotional downside and exhaustion the crisis brings into our lives.   It is just so difficult to know how to deal with it all!

I do hope that you recognize that here in the church we are doing and will continue to do all that we can do to keep everyone safe so that when this time ends we can all be together once again.  I also hope that I’m still pastoring when we can have a huge service of celebration followed by a shared lunch – without masks and social distancing and all of our protocols!  It will be wonderful to be together again in that way!  But for now we (and I include myself in that “we”) have to put aside our negativity, our grumbling and our complaining.  I hope you know that none of the staff and I really love doing fully remote worship.  It’s harder for us in many ways and, most of all, we miss the human contact that worshiping together provides.  I know that many of us have difficulties with the worship service, including hearing (due to some sound challenges), with viewing from a distance, and, most of all, with not feeling the connection with others in the community of faith.  We share those challenges with you, but we are trying to assure that the worship life of this congregation continues and that we remain connected by the power of God’s Spirit through shared worship even when we cannot sit together in one space.  

At the end of my look back to the history of the past pandemic and ending of the two World Wars, I found that there was something to be learned from those times.  People became stronger in their connection with God.  Following those early years of the 20th century came years when churches were full and faith communities nurtured disciples.  I believe we can also learn from this time and grow as a people of God.  Instead of complaining about what we don’t have and don’t like, I hope we can all focus on what we do have and what we are gaining from this time.  If we keep our priorities in place – God will help us through this time to become better able to meet life’s challenges and to never let go of hope, joy, love and peace.  And isn’t that a message for this Season?  

(By the way, if you are having trouble “feeling the season” this year, you might find the “Blue Christmas Service” especially meaningful.  It will be available next Sunday, December 13 at 1 pm and on the website for viewing at any time after.  I pray that it will help you to feel spiritually closer to the Season of Advent and Christmas.)  


Pastor Betsy 

    Pastor Ott is presently at half-time hours which means she will be in the church for Sunday worship and in the office on average two times a week, usually on days when there are meetings.  Friday is usually sermon preparation day, at home.  

 Pastor’s Office hours this week:  Monday 12/7 work at home (Sermon Prep), Wednesday 12/9 office/afternoon and Trustee meeting, Friday, 12/11 worship recording session at church

Next week:  12/14 office/afternoon, Thursday 12/17 and Friday 12/18 worship recording sessions at church

Monday, November 30, 2020

A WORD FROM THE PASTOR…..  For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Dear Friends in Christ,

How quickly the week’s go by!  We have bid farewell to Thanksgiving and are now entering the Season of Advent as the month of December begins.  In a few days we will come to the longest night/shortest day of the year, followed by our Christmas Celebrations as we welcome the Light of the World into our hearts once again.  There is so much to think about and things we would normally do during this special season.  

However, the reality is grim.  Travel increased during the Thanksgiving Holiday and predictions are that we will soon see an increase in COVID infections across our country and in our community.  I’ve been watching the Delaware and Otsego County infection numbers and they are rising.  In my own family, my brother and sister-in-law and a dear family friend have each been diagnosed with COVID in the past week.  My aunt recently recovered and several friends and family members are quarantined because of contact with infected persons.  Clearly, this is not a time to take risks – for ourselves or for others.  

I am including a letter from Bishop Bickerton for you to read.  Like all of us, he would prefer to emphasize the joyful preparation and celebration of the Advent and Christmas Season, but given the realities, he has asked churches to stop Sunday in person worship and resume remote worship until at least the end of this year.  As I said in last week’s Update, we have been keeping doors open in our sanctuary during worship but it is getting too cold to continue to do that much longer.  Additionally, we do not have the required equipment to close our doors and assure that the COVID cloud is safely removed. I am concerned that someone, including me, might be asymptomatic and carry infection into our worship.  How terrible it would feel for everyone if that were the case!  So, I have arranged with the technology team and Pat Nabinger to pre-record our weekly and special services.  We will be posting them for you each week and you can view them remotely at any time that is convenient for you.  Thanks to Deb Kearney, we also now have the systems we need to prepare CD’s of our worship services and will send them to the few members/supporters who don’t have internet access.  We will continue to work on improving the sound for clearer recording and easier listening and hope to have a better system in place very soon.  

In the meantime, our church office will be operating as usual.  I will continue to come in weekly and will reach out to members in the ways I can during the time.  We will continue to hold meetings remotely, the Food Pantry will remain open and so will the Playschool – unless DA is closed.  The bylaws state the Playschool will close if the school is closed.  The Bible Study on Revelation scheduled to start in January will be held as planned – by remote access – and our Annual Meeting, scheduled for January 10, 2021 will move forward, as well.  

Friends, we will get through this.  In fact, I think we will find hidden blessings during this time – things we have missed or overlooked or didn’t recognize in other, busier years.  I pray that you are each safe and well.  I pray that Advent will bring the quiet blessings of the heart to each of you and your loved ones.  I love you – and I need you to survive.

Advent Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Betsy 

Pastor Ott is presently at half-time hours which means she will be in the church for Sunday worship and in the office on average two times a week, usually on days when there are meetings.  Friday is usually sermon preparation day, at home.  

 Pastor’s Office hours this week:  Tuesday 12/1 and Thursday 12/3 

Next week’s hours:  Monday 12/7 and Wednesday 12/9

Monday, November 16

A WORD FROM THE PASTOR…..  For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

My dear friends in Christ,

Time is quickly flying by and I find it so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week!  Wonderful as it is to think of family gatherings and delicious foods, friendly conversations, and a day put aside for thanks and relaxation – this year continues to challenge us with the reality of the coronavirus.  As I write, the entire nation is seeing increases in infections and, sadly, daily increases in the number of persons who are dying.  Here in Delaware County, the infection rate is also rising as we question – what will happen next?  At present, the state and the counties, cities and communities are deciding what to keep open and what to close down for public safety and protection.  Schools, businesses, restaurants and, yes, churches, are all wondering – will we be allowed to remain open or will there be mandated closing?  At the same time, many people are becoming increasingly cautious about going out and are avoiding situations where there is a risk of infection.  We have seen a reduction in our “in house” worship attendance over the last few weeks.  The present advice (and in some places legal mandate,) is to postpone Thanksgiving get-togethers or to reduce the number present to ten, or less.  It is all so difficult!  

So, what does this mean for our church?  Well, we have continued to keep our worship service at 10 am on Sunday since reopening in September.  However, we have the rear doors open each week for cross ventilation and practice all the recommended/required protocols.  Now, we are looking at the new reality.  It is getting colder and keeping doors open is likely not possible for much longer.  And, the increases in infections may force us to close – or we may decide it’s in our best interest to do so, even without a mandate as the number of worshipers continues to decline.  

That said, we will worship for the next two Sundays, in place, unless the state requires us to close.  Christ the King (November 22) and the First Sunday of Advent (11/29) we expect to be in church for worship with live-streaming and remote viewing options.  If anything changes, we will notify you as soon as possible with a message from the church office.  Mail messaging might be delayed so please be sure to share updates with those who aren’t connected to technology.  We will see what happens after that, but be certain that weekly services will continue during Advent, at Christmas and into the New Year!  We will be working on ways to assure that we continue to join in worship together as the situation develops and will always keep you informed.  

In the meantime, let’s stay focused in prayer for one another, for our community, our nation and the world.  Let’s be careful out there – and remember – I love you and I need you to survive!


Pastor Betsy


Journey through Scripture with C.S. Lewis

Pastor Ott is presently at half-time hours which means she will be in the church for Sunday worship and in the office on average two times a week, usually on days when there are meetings.  Friday is usually sermon preparation day, at home.  

 Pastor’s Office hours this week:  Monday 11/16, Tuesday 11/17 and Saturday 11/21

Next week:  Monday 11/23

MONDAY November 9, 2020

A WORD FROM THE PASTOR…..  For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Greetings friends in Christ!

As I write to you this week Election Day is over and we have new leaders who are preparing to assume office in our community, our state and our nation.  Though there are still some matters to be settled, we are living in a country with a system that has held together through several hundred years of challenging times, questions about the direction we are to take, and leadership with varying ideas of what is best for the people they are elected to serve.  This really hasn’t changed.  Our diversity and our varied understandings of what is the best course of action for our country still differ.  In reality, that’s just as it should be.  Though, “Out of many we are one” is our motto, that doesn’t mean we all agree on everything.  It does mean that we are united in our belief that together we are better than we are if we allow ourselves to be divided.  It is also a commitment to the idea that out of our varied perspectives, we can still find unity in what we hold in common.  The job of holding us together and focusing on our common needs and hopes and desires is the responsibility of our leaders.  I hope you’ll join me in praying for all of our leaders – those who have been voted in for one or more terms, those who are adjusting to the loss of an election, and those who are newly affirmed to their positions.  Our nation needs our prayers and our leaders will need the support of us all to lead us into a future with continuing challenges and newly emerging challenges.  

As I thought about what we hold in common in our nation, I remembered that some years ago I was invited to serve on a School District Committee with the focus of conflict resolution and diversity training in a High School where violence had erupted because of racial, religious and economic differences among the students.  We developed a plan to talk with the students about “commonality” and used as our basis for discussion, the Seven Principles all major world religions hold in common.  I think it’s helpful for us to think about these principles as we move ahead in our nation to find a new way to become “Out of Many One”.  Here are the Seven Principle Values of all the major world religions:  

  1. Do Unto Others as you would have them do unto you.  (The Golden Rule in various forms is a common value)
  2. Work for the happiness and good of others (Take care of the poor and those who need assistance/help to survive by lifting up and assisting the weakest among us.)
  3. Focus on today/the present (Jesus said to take no care for tomorrow because tomorrow will take care of itself. The troubles of today are sufficient.  Other religions have similar values/statements.)
  4. Have goals in life and achieve without focusing only on money.  (Money, in and of itself, isn’t a worthy goal in any major religion because it takes our focus away from what really matters – Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.)  
  5. Interact with the Community (Offering the sign of peace is the beginning to engaging with others inside and outside of the doors of our faith community.  We all acknowledge the need for peaceful relationships with others and developing networks of support with our community.)
  6. Take responsibility for your actions.  (Asking forgiveness is essential to our faith as we acknowledge to God that we aren’t perfect.  This is the beginning of how we approach others in our life and take responsibility for how we treat people.  It is a value shared by all major world religions.)
  7. Think, reflect and pray to know your own mind and be your best self.  (Shakespeare wrote, “To thine own self be true and thou canst not be false to any man.”  Being true to our beliefs, to our faith, and to our relationship with God leads to a clear and ethical life.  Jesus taught this in the “Great Commandment” when he said our primary purpose in life is, To love God and neighbor as ourselves.)  

I hope these Seven Principles will provide us with a focus as we pray and reflect on how to be faithful Christians during these time and, also, how to come together with others in our neighborhood, communities, nation and the world.  Change always brings opportunity and this time is a time of promise when we can begin to seek healing and find new ways to live in peace, hope, love and joy – personally and with people both near and far.  

Let it be so!


Pastor Betsy


Several members of our congregation have asked for a daily devotion to use at home.  Here is a link to a daily devotion you can use from home, alone or with others.  If you know of someone who can’t see well, is without technology or is experiencing this time of social distancing as isolation – please consider contacting that person and sharing the devotion with them by phone or any other technology you might have.  Praying together with them as “prayer partners” is also a good way to deepen the connection and your personal faith.  
Watch for more updates on how we are working to build stronger connections with one another while we are socially distanced!

With all in my prayers..

I love you and I need you to survive! 

Pastor Betsy

Pastor Ott is presently at half-time hours which means she will be in the church for Sunday worship and in the office on average two times a week, usually on days when there are meetings.  Friday is usually sermon preparation day, at home.  

 Pastor’s hours this week:  Monday 11/9 (at home) and Wednesday 11/11 (in Delhi)

Next week:  Monday 11/16 and Tuesday 11/17   

View the complete Weekly Update & News of the Parish, access past issues, and subscribe to receive updates via email here:

Monday, November 2, 2020

A WORD FROM THE PASTOR…..  For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Dear Friends in Christ,

As I write to you this week it is snowy and windy and feels very much like a January day!  Things are always changing and unexpected surprises are to be expected!  

This week, the Weekly Update includes a report from Carol Greene on the work of the Church Council and a letter from Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton with some important insight into living through uncertain times.  I encourage you to read both messages and as you pray for your church and community, to also join with Bishop Bickerton, myself, and others who will fast and pray on Election Day and in the weeks ahead.  This season is bringing us some potential challenges and there are risks that we may face – with COVID and as our nation adjusts to the election results, whatever they might be.  But God is with us and calls us each to witness to our faith, especially in times of challenge.  

I will keep you all in my prayers as I humbly ask for yours.  Remember, I love you and I need you to survive! 


Pastor Betsy 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A WORD FROM THE PASTOR…..  For everything  there is a season and a  time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

So here we are in the season of fall.  The nights are getting longer, the leaves are falling rapidly from the trees, fields have been harvested or mowed in preparation for a time of rest…  Halloween with memories of bags filled with candy, giddy children walking sidewalks in twilight, the adventure and fun of costumes and masks and “being” someone or something else for a while arrives this week.  All seems the same – all seems different.  Though the seasons change around us, we are still living in the season of COVID and the end of that season keeps shifting further away from our grasp.  This election year has added to our uncertainties and anxieties about our personal and national future.  Predictions of the weather foretell a “hard” winter – or a mild, wet one.  No one seems to know, adding to uncertainty.  It is a “season” of stress, tension, anxiety and we are all stretched further than we have ever been in our lives (at least most of us are).  

Let me assure you all, that even in this season of challenge, at the church, we are moving ahead in faith that the future will be filled with God’s presence and with confidence that God’s will for us is always good.  As we meet for worship, hold meetings, and provide necessary ministries to our members and the community, we are always stepping into “unknown” territory but we are adapting and adjusting.  Here again, things are the same – but also different.  Our worship, meetings and other ways of being together are both in person and remote.  This is a challenge for us, but we are adapting and our worship participation averages between 40 and 55 users (with more than one participant per use in many cases which means our attendance is greater than pre-COVID), our meetings are well attended, and we are looking further into ways to use technology to help us connect.   Our next challenge/opportunity is to find ways to connect for conversation and study groups, children’s Christian Education, and other small group meetings.  This will be our focus for the next few months, along with figuring out ways to have rich and special worship during Advent and Christmas.  We will have more information about this as things fall into place and as we get closer to the Season.  

I want to thank you for your support during this “season” of change.  Many of us are challenged by the uncertainty and anxiety of this time, but I am truly grateful for the ongoing attention to and support of UMD.  Our finances are stable, our meetings have continued and major planning and much work has been accomplished or is in progress.  We are stabilizing and gaining strength for the next “season”.  God is truly blessing us with grace and leading us into a future that is filled with hope!

In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to be in touch and to help me to stay connected with you, especially in times of need.  Though COVID means I can’t visit in the hospital or nursing homes and must be very careful about home visits, I am always available to talk with you by phone or email.  Be certain that I pray for you, I love you and I need you to survive!


Pastor Betsy 

Pastor Ott is presently at half-time hours which means she will be in the church for Sunday worship and in the office on average two times a week, usually on days when there are meetings.  Friday is usually sermon preparation day, at home.  

 Pastor’s Office hours this week:  Tuesday 10/27, Wednesday 10/28  

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the Healer of our brokenness and the Prince of Peace!

It’s hard for me to get my head around the fact that it’s Labor Day Weekend!  The summer has slipped by and the days are shortening as the weather begins to feel like fall.  I don’t know about you but I’m savoring every moment I can of these days before we put our summer things away and bring on winter activities – which for me include a lot of book reading and planning for the holidays!

This week, classes are supposed to begin at DA and we are praying for the students and teachers here and across the nation as we face the challenge of teaching our children while keeping everyone safe.  As you know, SUNY Oneonta has closed for the fall semester and the students have been asked to go home.  This is a hard blow for them and for that community, as the income the students bring to stores and rentals and restaurants is lost.  For the students and their parents, this is also a disappointment and a challenge as they try to figure out how the access their classes and manage life at home, again.  This is saddest for those students who did practice social distancing and comply with safe protocols, whose education was interrupted by those who did not.  I hope that we at The United Ministry are continuing to pray at 8 am and/or 8 pm, daily, for our nation and the world as the pandemic continues to impact the lives of children, youth, families, and the elderly.  Please also pray for those who are facing recovery from storms, hurricanes, wildfires and other life challenges during this time.  We need to remember that life goes on and things like sickness and suffering continue, even without the COVID crisis. 

That said, don’t forget to give thanks daily for your blessings!  We are still alive and mostly staying safe and well.  We have enjoyed the connections that we have during this time and have even found new ways to stay in contact with others.  We are learning the value of friends and family and loved ones in a new and more meaningful way than ever before.  We have food on our tables and safe places to call home.  And, we are re-opening our church for Sunday worship!  Next week, September 13th, we will return to our sanctuary for our regular weekly service!  It has been a long time since we’ve been together and it is reason to give thanks to God that we are able to gather, once again!  As you know, some things will be different and our protocols, created to protect ourselves and others, will take some getting used to.  But we will experience fellowship (from a social distance), and music (though without singing), and hear God’s word together with others.  We will also celebrate Holy Communion.  And we will, for the first time, provide live streaming so that people who don’t feel comfortable meeting in church or who aren’t able to be with us, can experience worship from home or by accessing the link on the website during the week.  This allows more people to participate, including people who don’t feel safe meeting with others, those whose schedules don’t allow them to be present at the specific worship hour, and others who might just be “visiting” in search of a church to join.  This is 21st century evangelism – and it is one of the benefits of this challenging time that we are adapting to!  Praise God!

As far as other updates go, the trustees are finishing projects that will make the property and building safer and more inviting including: repairs to sidewalks and the back of the sanctuary wall, downstairs bathrooms, work in the Playschool, and completion of painting projects.  The staff is working hard to be ready for our fall worship with projection and live streaming.  The building is getting its final cleaning for reopening and the return of some use by outside groups.  The Playschool is preparing for opening on September 14th with COVID protocols and equipment in place for the safety of students, teachers and families.  Things are buzzing as we get ready to open our doors and welcome those who enter!  Please keep us in your prayers during these busy days – as we pray for you, our community and the world during this time! 

I look forward to seeing you but, as I’ve said before, I also understand if you choose not to be physically present at church.  I hope you’ll be able to join with us in worship – from a distance.  And remember – I love you and I need you to survive!


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the name of the One True God, Creator – Son – and Holy Spirit!

My thoughts have wandered a bit this week, as the seasons begin to shift from the hot days of mid-summer to the cooler nights and milder days that lead toward autumn.  I confess that I still feel a yearning to get ready for school after so many years of the annual preparations for myself and my children!  It is a sweet time, filled with many memories of teachers, classmates, new clothes (a bit too big to start the year and a bit too small at the end!), and the chance, the excitement, the adventure of learning something new or making a new friend or finding a new interest.  This time of year is a time of expectation and it seems to settle into our bones – even when it no longer relates what’s happing in our personal life experience.  However, I do feel excitement about the return to worshiping in church, scheduled for Sunday, September 13th!  It will be a new adventure with the opportunity for all of us to grow and learn to do things in new ways.  I pray the God will bless us all as we take steps in this direction!

Still, this year continues to be a strange time as COVID remains a focus in all of our lives.  There is so much uncertainty about the reopening of schools and how to safely educate our children, youth and young adults as new information emerges every day about the infection rates and risks.  Children are not immune, though that was an early assumption because they don’t always have symptoms that are recognized as COVID related.  The biggest factor in passing the infection now appears to be the vapor that suspends in the air as we breathe in and out.  This makes masking an absolute necessity and continues to affect what we can safely do.  The vapors are now found to remain in the air longer than originally thought and social distancing is also required to reduce the risk of contact.  Our church protocols require both masks and social distancing for safety.  Additionally, we will not be singing in worship services until there is a safe way for us to do so.  As you know, this is heart-breaking for many of us who love to sing, who recognize that song is prayer, and who find a spiritual connection with God through the musical offerings of the choir and others. 

As I’ve said before, the focus of all that we’re doing is to abide by the first mandates of the Gospel which are to “Love one another” and “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”  Caring for each person, including putting aside our own wants and desires so that others are protected is Christ-based.  Additionally, there is another mandate in the scriptures, “Do not tempt the Lord your God.” (Matthew 4:7).   Do you remember that one?  It’s in the story of Jesus’ temptation as the devil challenges him to go to the holy city and throw himself down from the highest mountain so that God will save him.  Now the older I get the more clearly I see that the three temptation of Christ are the very same temptations we all confront as his followers.  We can be tempted to think that taking care of people’s material needs is all that’s required of us (bread) but the scripture tells us that the spiritual needs are what God is focused on (Man does not live by bread alone).  We can all think that if we could only rule the world and change the systems that people live by, things would be better.  The devil offered Christ the greatest thrones on earth but Jesus commanded Satan to leave and said, “Serve only God!”  And when we want miracles to save us, even from our own behaviors, we are tempting God to help us out of our own messes.  COVID parties among young people have become a means of transmission to grandparents, children and health care workers.  Carelessly refusing to wear a mask because “I don’t need one” or “I don’t like it” or “It’s a hoax” has led to increased infections and, yes, deaths.  The scriptural message is that in Jesus’ teaching we find that we are expected to use our own good judgement and not put ourselves and others at risk of harm with the idea that God’s going to come to our rescue.  I hope we, will each continue to pray at 8 am or 8 pm, daily, for God’s help in addressing the situation in ways that help others to see God’s love and care for each person expressed in how we, ourselves, choose to behave. 

That said, I want you to remember that while I do hope to see you all very soon – I understand that worshiping in church is a personal decision and that you should feel safe and comfortable whatever you decide.  You may want to remain at home for a while or longer or until there is a vaccine.  You may want to return right away.  Whatever you decide, know that you have my full support and understanding!

I’m in the office and working with the staff to complete building projects and get our worship technology in place!  I look forward to seeing you whenever possible and, don’t forget – I love you and I need you to survive!

Pastor Betsy

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

I greet you in the name of the glorious Savior who is the healer of our brokenness and of the world. 

Well, another week has passed and there is still uncertainty about where we’re “at” with the COVID pandemic.  Things in Delaware County are good for now with “0” new infections reported.  However, the testing has been reduced so that raises some questions about what is really happening.  That, coupled with school re-openings and reports of increased infection rates, the virus carried by children, and youth and young adults who won’t abide by safe practices, increases our concern.  I hope that you are continuing with the prayers for all impacted during this time and for God’s help in guiding us through these days, safely, and with care for all. 

This week at the church we have continued to be busy ourselves with preparations for our re-opening.  MacIntosh Hall and the hallway outside the basement floor bathrooms have been painted and that project is now complete (or nearly so).  The next painting will be in the Playschool Bathroom and classroom 5 & 6.  After that we will put down our paintbrushes and clean the rooms for re-opening.  This means that our sexton will ready the rooms in the building for our return to worship and for the start of limited use by outside groups.  Presently we are working with AlAnon, Boy Scouts and Red Cross who are each preparing a fall schedule.  We have their protocols and they have each received United Ministry’s protocols for outside group use.  Hopefully, we can arrange to start after the congregation returns to the building for worship.  Please be assured that the protocols are very complete and have specific requirements for each group to follow.  In addition, each room used and the bathroom assigned to the group will be cleaned after each use and before any other group is admitted.  We are doing all we can to prevent infection, with the understanding that we can’t completely protect.  Everyone must make their own decisions about how and when to be in group situations with others.  The safety of all, including our church cleaner, Evelyn Jacksto, is primary!  We also expect that the Playschool will open after the first week of classes at DA, per the usual schedule.  Again, protocols are in place to assure the protection of the children, staff and families.  I ask for your prayers at this time of both excitement and uncertainty for all involved. 

On Friday, August 21st, I wrote a letter that summarizes the results of the Church Opening Survey.  The letter has been emailed and sent through US Mail (to any who don’t receive email).  I really appreciate everyone who took the time to respond to the survey and the thoughtful answers given to the questions.  Most are missing church and the fellowship and music.  Many don’t feel comfortable returning, though some are more than ready to get back.  Others had some specific questions and concerns.  I hope you’ll take a look at the letter to see the survey results and some answers I’ve provided to the questions that were raised.  The good news is that we have a reopening date!  Pat Nabinger, Deb Kearney, Chelsea Frisbee and I have agreed that we will be ready to worship and live stream on Sunday, September 13th.  Pat is working on some music for both organ and piano that will bring us together as we hear the hymns and songs we have missed!  Deb has been putting together our worship service for projection and Chelsea is setting up for the projection and live streaming.  I’m working on a service that will acknowledge the time that’s passed since we were together and celebrates the joyful new beginning God provides.  I hope that you’ll join us in person – or remotely.  I completely support your decision, either way. 

As the season begins to shift once again, there is much going on in our lives, our community and the world.  Let’s keep praying for God’s help and strength to carry us through!  You remain in my prayers.  I love you and I need you to survive,

Pastor Betsy    

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Dear Friends In Christ,

I greet you in the name of God the Creator, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit who breathes into us the power that transforms each of us and the world into the Kin-dom!

I hope you’re each well as we enjoy these August days.  I admit I do find it difficult to imagine that Labor Day is only a few days away and that the time is coming when we will say goodbye to summer and welcome fall.  I’m resolved to enjoy these warm and pleasant days as much as possible – and hope you’re each doing the same!

The news reports continue to provide us with what seems to be conflicting information about the COVID pandemic, even as we struggle to resume some of the “normal” parts of our lives.  It is clear that children will return to school and that there are risks for everyone involved.  The pandemic places parents in the incredibly challenging position of trying to determine how to keep their children safe while also securing their education.  Here is Delaware County, the rate of COVID infection is nearly non-existent at this time, however the concern about what lies ahead is both realistic and ever-present.  In addition, as a community and as a nation, we continue to face challenges in how to be supportive of those whose job loss/cut back have impacted their ability to pay their bills and feed their families.  And as we struggle with those realities, life continues on…with hurricanes, and fires and human made disasters – to say nothing of our own challenges with family, our health, our daily struggles and losses.  I hope that you’re remembering or even re-reading my earlier updates with a focus on grief, challenges to change, adaptability and the Three Simple Rules of John Wesley – Do Good, Do No Harm and Staying In Love With God.  Most of all, I hope that these ideas are helpful to you as we each navigate this uncertain and challenging time.  I am especially focused on not losing hope as information comes out about the virus that is sometimes conflicting and confusing.  Remembering that everyone is “learning as we go” (even scientists and researchers) can help us stay positive and hopeful.  Each new bit of information will be helpful in putting together our new post- COVID lives, even if COVID remains with us for longer than any of us expected.  Doing our due diligence which means social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands and staying away from others any time we feel sick or aren’t certain about our health.  I’ve been thinking a lot about those who aren’t doing those things and how fearful they must be to feel so out of control that they put themselves and others at risk by their behavior.  I am asking that we continue our daily prayers at 8 am and/or 8 pm for those who are returning to school and for the parents, for all who are struggling to survive the economic challenges brought on by COVID, for all who are experiencing anxiety and for those who are failing to care about themselves and others by not following the recommended protocols.

Now for an update on things happening at the church!  We are receiving survey responses which are very helpful in knowing where we are as we return to worship.  I will give a report by email and regular mail later this week.  Thank you to all who have replied!   We will resume the painting of some of our downstairs rooms this week.  The outside work is being done on the building which will stop the foundation leaks near the downstairs bathrooms.  Sidewalks are being repaired and the garden has been beautifully restored.  Hand sanitizers are installed and we are working to complete the signage in and out of the building.  Playschool is gearing up for a fall opening.  The screens are installed in the sanctuary and we are working on the technology that will allow for service projection and live streaming.  Once those systems are all in place and we have a smoothly running operation, we will be as ready as we can be!  I’m excited about being back with you in church and worshiping with you remotely.  The technology offers us more options to be together – even when we are apart!  It also provides a way for us to reach out to others in our community and to expand our ministry.  In my opinion, this is a wonderful benefit of the changes we are making in our worship service.  Please join with me in praying that God will bless this ministry and that through this time more people will share in the Good News!

Be sure that you are in my thoughts and prayers.  Be sure, too, that I am struggling with you to face the challenges of this time with faith and hope that God will bring us through to a better place.  I do believe that if we keep that faith, we will find we have been given a tremendous opportunity to grow and become stronger and more able disciples.   Most of all, know that I love you and I need you to survive!

Pastor Betsy