Tuesday, February 16, 2021
A WORD FROM THE PASTOR…..“For every time there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) & “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:16)
Dear Companions in Christ,
Greetings to each of you as begin our Lenten Journey. May God’s grace support and strengthen you!
This year, as we deepen our faith and strengthen our connections with one another, we are developing our new UM Delhi Care Groups. Care Groups are designed for intentional nurture and support among members/supporters of the congregation. We are asking each group to connect by phone or electronic means (zoom, etc.) for about half an hour, weekly. The group(s) are formed to:
- Develop new connections and strengthen existing connections within the congregation. You may find that you already know some people in your group or you may not. Even if your close friends are not in your group, please make a commitment to try to build a connection with your group members while also maintaining the friendships you already have in place! In this way, we come to know one another better in the larger congregation.
- These groups are forming now to build bonds while we are still socially distanced and as a spiritual focus during Lent – but we hope they remain in place once we can be together again and may meet face to face, remotely or a combination of both.
- The point of the groups is for fellowship, building relationships, and spiritual support. During Lent, the pastor will provide a brief weekly devotion for your personal use. You may discuss the devotion during your Care Group time, or not. The Care Group can also discuss these questions: how is your worship life, how is your prayer life, what has God done or what is God doing in your life?, and how are you “listening” for God to speak with you during this time? The discussions are completely confidential within the group.
- Any member of a group may directly contact the pastor at any time with a spiritual need or for any other pastoral reason. The groups are not expected to take the place of a member’s individual relationship with the pastor.
- The pastor may join with a group from time to time – and welcomes invitations to participate with your group, occasionally!
- Eventually, we hope to have one or two large, congregational and group events during the year. These might include potluck dinners, fellowship events, hymn sings, etc. We welcome your ideas and suggestions as your group gets off the ground.
It is my hope that you will commit to participating with your Care Group during Lent. If, for any reason, you prefer not to participate, please let the pastor know, directly. If you have concerns about technology or how to connect by conference call, please contact the church office for assistance. I hope that through the Care Groups we will be stronger and more able to do our work of ministry together once things reopen. I especially ask for your prayers for this ministry!
May your Lenten Journey bring you closer to the God we love and who we serve. You remain in my prayers.
Remember I love you and need you to survive!
Pastor Betsy
Cathy Johnson (Nurture Coordinator) and Chelsea Frisbee (Witness Coordinator)
Pastor Ott is presently at half-time hours which means in the office on average two times a week, usually on days when there are meetings. Friday is the regular day for recording the Sunday worship service.
Pastor’s Office hours this week: Pastor’s Office hours this week will depend on the winter weather. (see below)
Friday (recording session for Sunday worship)
Tuesday 2/16 and/or Wednesday 2/17 Office and distribution of ashes for Ash Wednesday
Thursday 2/18 6:30 pm – SPR meeting (zoom)
Friday 2/19 – Worship Service Recording (unless the weather requires a change in the usual schedule)
The Ash Wednesday Service will be available for remote viewing on Ash Wednesday, 2/17. The office is open 9am to 3 pm Monday through Friday, weather permitting. Please call ahead if you have questions or need assistance.
We welcome updates on church ministries and timely reports for our weekly update. This information must be in not later than Friday afternoon or at the start of office hours on Monday to be included on that day.