Update from Pastor Betsy, April 26, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

I greet you today with the hope that you are each well and safe as social distancing continues to keep us apart.  You are in my heart and in my prayers each day during this time of constant change and uncertainty.  I’m thankful for each of you and for all of you.  What a wonderful community of believers!

You might have seen and read the letter from Bishop Bickerton that was sent on April 22nd.  As usual, he provides a lot of very helpful support and care for the churches, pastors and laity of the Conference during this challenging time.  In the letter, he states that United Methodist churches will remain closed until at least May 24th and we will abide by his direction.  We will begin to plan for ways to worship, share communion, and fellowship safely so we are ready and things are in place when church reopens.  As you know, one of the reasons for the low number of infections in our area is that we have been practicing social distancing – which is really a great gift to us and our community, though it hasn’t been easy!  Some of us are finding this easier to manage than others, but everyone is going through similar adjustment challenges. 

The fact is that the COVID-19 epidemic is causing us all, people everywhere, to experience grief.  Remember, grief is something we go through every time there is any kind of change.  Grief isn’t limited to times of death or loss of loved ones, grief can even occur at times of great happiness.  And certainly we are all grieving now.  We may know people who have died from the coronavirus.  We may know people who know people….who have died.  We may know or have family members who are health care workers and who are overwhelmed and exhausted and worried about their own health and that of their loved ones.  We might be grieving the change in long-time plans and activities as schools are closed, sports events are cancelled, graduation celebrations are put on hold or abandoned.  Some of us are grieving job losses, decline in retirement funds, and the sense of security we once had about our future.  And speaking of the future, we are also grieving the confidence we had in plans that, until recently, felt safe and certain.   Now things feel unsafe and less that certain.  So, as we continue to adapt to the changes taking place, remember that you and others around you at home, in the community, in our nation and in the world are grieving, too.  And grief plays out in the ways we express ourselves and behave.  Remember the stages of grief?  Let’s look at them, separately:

Denial:  Wanting to go back to the way things were.  Forgetting the present reality or being dismissive of it.  People in denial right now are the ones who are holding on to the time before the coronavirus as what we’ll go back to or who are pushing us to get over/get past this time.  They are denying the reality and are searching for the former things that gave them a sense of security.  Be wary of saying or thinking we’re “going back”.

Bargaining:  Wanting to get out of the discomfort of the situation and trying to negotiate things – with God or with others – to go back to what used to be the norm.  Sometimes this involves trying to get God to do things for us – if we do things for God.  It is another way of looking for former security and comfort and to be relieved of the grief the changes have brought.  Be wary of saying/thinking “if only”. 

Depression:  We know this one!  We don’t feel like doing things we once enjoyed.  We eat too much or too little or eat what we crave for comfort.  We sleep more or less than usual.  We lack energy or interest in life.  We feel lonely and are missing all that we used to enjoy – and the security we felt before life changed.  Be wary of long-term behavior changes and contact your MD if you seem to be depressed all/most of the time.   

Anger:  This plays out in so many ways as we humans grieve.  We may be short-tempered with ourselves and others.  We can become explosive over small things.  We are less patient or when we get to the end our patience we may be unable to regain our sense of balance.  We think if we fight something/anything we’ll muscle through this time and everything will go back to “normal”.    Be wary of letting anger be your “go to” emotion.  Release energy with exercise or talking out your feelings or writing them down.  Release the energy in a productive way so it doesn’t explode out of you. 

Acceptance:  This isn’t believing we’re victims of the virus or of God’s will or of poor leadership or any of the others that we might “blame” for what we’re experiencing.  Acceptance is believing that God is with us in this time and that God will be with us as we move from what used to be to what is to be.  God is in the future and God will help us as we grieve the past and embrace the new possibilities that are before us.  Be wary of jumping too quickly into statements that sound accepting.  Process your way to true and lasting acceptance by acknowledging the other stages of grief are important ways that we heal and become ready for acceptance. 
You may find the stages of grief helpful as we watch the news and as the changes the coronavirus brings to our lives continues to unfold.  I see denial and anger in the people who are holding rallies and acting out against the restrictions caused by social distancing or job losses.  I recognize some depression in myself as I miss all of you and my family and friends.  We may all have tried some bargaining, especially with God, to “make this go away”.  We will certainly find ourselves experiencing all of these stages of grief to one degree or another.  Remember, they come and go. We may have more than one grief stage happening within us at a time.  The stages don’t progress in any pattern – so we might be accepting one day only to find ourselves angry and depressed the next.   

I expect we will be talking about grief and healing more in the coming weeks.   Today I’m asking you to remember that the disciples and others throughout the ages have gone through what we’re going through in their own ways and times.  With God’s help they made their way to each new beginning and resurrection.   So, I’m asking that we all (myself included) be patient with ourselves, with one another and with those around us.  By and large, I find people are being kinder and more polite.  Isn’t that wonderful!   It’s kindness that can help make this time better and easier for us and for others.  Remember to be kind.  Offer thanks directly to those who are helping us – mail carriers, delivery people, medical workers, grocery and other store employees.   And when we find ourselves struggling or encounter challenging people, try to respond and not react.  People are acting out because of grief and beneath the grief there is the fear of the unknown that lies ahead, causing us to want to cling to the past.  So when we encounter challenging times or people – Stop to breathe.  Breathe again.   And breathe yet again.  And as we breathe, turn to God in prayer.   Breathing connects us with the Spirit of God and reminds us that God is with us so that can respond to the situation with kindness.  What a wonderful way to demonstrate acceptance of what is happening while also showing our faith that God is with us!  What a positive way to shape the new reality we are entering – with confidence and faith!   What a way to shout our Alleluias!  Christ is Risen! God is with us! 

Remember, we will make it through this time and we can even “thrive our way through it” because God is with us.  Know that I love you and I need you to survive.  God be with you!

Pastor Betsy

April 19, 2020 Update From Pastor Betsy Ott

My dear friends in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ!

Who knew when we closed the church for worship and other non-essential activities on March 15th that we would still be apart more than a month later?  It has been a much longer time than most of us ever expected.  Part of the reason is that we haven’t really lived through anything like this before.  Recently, I’ve had several conversations with friends and church members, and we’ve realized through this that none of us has any real experience with a quarantine.  I was born not long after the polio vaccine became available and never had to worry about that horrible disease.  Penicillin was also around throughout my life and so I was never quarantined due to infections like the whooping cough, scarlet fever, measles and other illnesses that quarantined my mother and others in her generation.   The truth is that none of us born post WWII has been through anything like this or even had to stay home for many illnesses other than the usual flus and colds and stomach upsets.  We have been very privileged and we have forgotten how common it has been throughout history to be watchful about the spread of diseases.  My grandmother, who grew up in NY City during the early 1900’s always wore gloves, not because she was fussy or wanted to be “overdressed”.  No, it was a protection against germs like tuberculosis and the influenza of that time and she wore gloves when “going out” her entire life.  We gave a lot of that up as “fussy” back in the 1960’s but may see the return of gloves and other forms of protection as we continue to figure out ways to stay safe with the coronavirus.  As we relearn how to protect ourselves and others I believe we are going through a huge cultural transformation and that only time will tell us all the changes that will come about. 

Here are United Ministry, we are becoming very aware of the changes already taking place as we continue to worship with our weekly “broadcast”.  I am grateful that so many of you are participating and finding the worship to be supportive and helpful.  Thanks again to all those who are making this possible!  We have received a grant and are purchasing equipment that will build on this ministry as we move ahead.  Soon, we’ll be able to live stream the Message and all other portions of the service so that we can be together ‘face to face” even when we’re apart.  We will continue to update you as things progress. 

Our church remains closed to all outside and church use – with the exception of the Food Pantry.  This assures the safety of people who may come and go from the building at this time.  Deb Kearney has been working remote from home and checking in at the office once each week.  The mail is being received and checks are deposited weekly by Edie Campbell.  We have been holding regular church committee meetings by Zoom and conference call.  Laura Clark is paying our bills and handling all the financial matters, remotely.  I have been working from home, responding to emails and providing the worship each Sunday and during Holy Week.  I also go to the church for a “check in” at least once a week.  Evelyn Jacksto continues to clean the building and is taking this time to do a thorough reorganizing of all areas, including closets and storage rooms.  Pat Nabinger has cleaned the music room areas and reorganized some of her work supplies.  Pam Savage has done similar work in the Playschool.  The staff has continued to be busy even though not always visible.  The reason?  We are having a professional building cleaning which will start on 4/20 and continue until all areas (upstairs and down) have been cleaned.  This includes, carpets, furnishings and chairs.  We are getting ready for the time when we can return for worship and restart our ministries to the community in a freshly cleaned building. 

So when do we get back?  The answer is – not yet.  It appears, based on the news today, that there is talk of reopening in New York State around May 15th.  The Playschool will follow the schedule provided by NY State and Delaware Academy.  If they open, we will be open.  The church will probably follow, and it is likely that our activities will resume once we return to worship together.  We can expect that worship may be different, as well.   For example, it is possible that we will be required to wear masks, to sit six or more feet apart from anyone not living in our home, and to avoid touching or shaking hands.  We will be using a different system for Holy Communion that assures minimal contact.  We may or may not be sharing coffee hours or potluck meals, though we could probably have fellowship times with “bag lunches”.  It will be different – but that’s not what really matters.  What matters is the good news and that we will be together.  We will see the friends we have missed for this time.  We will be allowed to come together to praise the God who is with us always and who is guiding and supporting us in this time.  We will be able to witness to our belief that God is good and that the future is bright and full of hope!  Praise God!

As soon as there are any updates, an announcement will be made.  In the meantime, let’s keep on keeping on!

Pastor Betsy

March 17, 2020 Update From Pastor Betsy Ott

Dear Friends in Christ, 

During this time of uncertainty, we are responding to the changed reality as quickly and carefully as possible.  

I suggest that you take the time today and in the days ahead to read Psalm 91 which reminds us that in every challenging time, God is with us, cares for us, protects us and provides for us.  Please hold firm to that promise as we navigate the way forward together. As we remain confident in the faith and trust we have in our loving Creator, we become powerful witnesses to those who need our care, our comfort, our support, our prayers and our love.  

Included with this message is a update from Bishop Thomas Bickerton who has requested that all churches  continue to suspend Sunday worship services through Palm Sunday, April 5. We will comply with the Bishop.  Please watch for the messages that will arrive weekly starting March 18 and every following weekend while we are closed.  The messages will bring worship to you while you are at home with prayer and scripture, links for music, prayer requests, and online giving along with a recorded Reflection from the pastor.  

Included with this message are updates regarding the building shut down and opportunities for serving.  Please give them your prayerful consideration while paying attention to any warnings for you to follow based upon your age or current health conditions.  

All of this may seem unreal to us and we might even think that people, including me, are over reacting. However, if we come through this experience without loss of life or lengthy illness we will know – not that the virus wasn’t serious – but that we were able to prevent infection by taking appropriate precautions.  I urge you all to take care and follow the recommendations as we receive them from people with training in infectious disease prevention. How wonderful it will be to get to the other side of this time together once again – healthy, intact, and ready for joyful fellowship together!

In the meantime, let us hold one another in prayer and be certain that you are in mine.  I am asking that you set aside one or two times a day to pray in unison, even while we’re apart.  Please mark your calendar or set you phone for 8 am and 8 pm as daily prayer times. When you pray remember to pray for one another, for those who are isolated and alone, for the sick, for the grieving and for the Peace of Christ to be with us all.  Remember, that when we pray in this way the Holy Spirit joins with us and connects us as one body, even though we are not physically together. What a wonderful God we serve!  


Pastor Betsy

CHURCH OFFICE AND STAFF – While the building is being deep cleaned, the church staff will be preparing their work areas for cleaning.  However, much of the time we will be working remotely. The office phone will be accessed daily for any message retrieval. We can be reached by email with any question or concern that you may have.  In case you need pastoral care, my cell number is 914-584-3872. Please don’t hesitate to call me and do leave a message if I don’t pick up. I’ll return your call as soon as possible.  

VISITATION – During this time visitation will be nearly impossible.  However, Cathy Johnson is organizing a list of people who will keep contact with those in the congregation who will be alone and feeling challenged by the social isolation.  Cathy would like to hear from anyone who can make phone daily phone calls to the home bound. The plan is to set a time of day for these calls to be made following the 8 am or before the 8 pm congregational prayer time.  People who are homebound can be on the list and serve the church by calling others who are also shut-in. Cathy would also appreciate knowing of anyone who can drop off food to those who can’t go to the grocery at this time.  Please call Cathy if you’re able to help.  

FOOD PANTRY NEEDS HELP! If you are not working or have extra time to spare, please consider helping out at the food pantry.  As many if not all of our regular volunteers are in the high risk group, we need young and healthy adults, to pre-bag groceries for pick up, shop, and stock shelves.  Please reach out to Ann Smith if you can help out. We are following the safety protocols as directed as we hope to keep the doors open. This ministry is a missional priority as people continue to lose part-time and full-time jobs and income during this time.  

WEEKLY OFFERINGS AND STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN – During this time it is important to remember that the church still needs your financial support.  Please plan to make your contribution through the online giving link, by arrangement with your local bank for auto-payment, or by mailing your check to the church.  You may also send your pledge card directly to the church at any time. We will dedicate the pledges as soon as possible once we resume regular worship. 

KIDS CLUB AND YOUTH GROUP  The weekly Kids Club is suspended at least until school reopens.  Please watch for announcements! The Kids Club offering for the Heifer Project can be held until we resume meetings.  We will keep you updated on this mission the kids are doing!

Youth Group is also suspended until at least April 14th.  We will resume once the building is reopened.  Watch for announcements! 

AL ANON – Our building will remain open to the Al Anon Group during this time since this is a priority ministry.  During times of stress there is an even greater need for the support this group provides.  

ALL NON-ESSENTIAL BUILDING USE IS SHUT DOWN AND/OR POSTPONED:  Boy Scouts, Therapy Groups, Tai Chi, Tuesday Luncheon, Women’s Circle and all other regular groups that use the building have been notified that the building is shut for deep cleaning.  Other non-regular users have been notified that there event or activity must be rescheduled once we can safely do so. This includes the Blood Drive.  

DEEP CLEANING: The Board of Trustees will be securing a contract for a deep and thorough cleaning of the entire building.  All areas will be cleaned and sanitized, including the sanctuary, Playschool area, Nursery, classrooms, offices, kitchen, meeting rooms and food pantry.  The building will not reopen for public use or worship until this cleaning is completed.  

ORGAN CONCERT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED!  – The organ concert featuring Curt Sandler that was planned for Saturday, March 21 has been rescheduled and will be held on October 3rd at 3 pm.  Mark your calendars now and hold the date!

PLAYSCHOOL EVENTS – The special offering planned for the Playschool that was planned for the last two Sundays of April and the first two Sunday of May will be rescheduled for another time.  Please watch for updates! The Bake Sale that was planned for Saturday, March 21st  as part of the St Patrick’s Celebration, will be rescheduled.  The Spaghetti Dinner scheduled for May 15th is still on the calendar.  If plans change, we will inform you immediately.