Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Thoughts on a Tuesday

God called me into ministry from the streets of Chicago, thirty-five years ago.  

I was working in two inner-city churches as a volunteer for the year after college, and I was impressed by their work in the community.  One church hosted a soup kitchen four nights a week and worked to find housing for homeless folks; the other church had a food pantry and was involved with community organizing in their neighborhood.  I went to seminary in New York City and ran a soup kitchen while I was there.  I was clearly called to inner-city ministry, right?  I was ordained in Kingston thirty-one years ago, and I’ve served as pastor and chaplain in many places since then, including a few cities and a few non-cities.  I’m quickly noticing that Delhi is not much of a city.  Yet I’m thrilled to be here in Delhi, in ministry with you.  It turns out that what God has consistently placed on my heart is a call to live out love, the love that God has for the world.  I am excited to be part of a church that feeds the hungry, actively and consistently.  During the pandemic, when so many aspects of ministry had to slow down, you expanded the work of the food pantry.  You opened your eyes to the needs of those who were hit hard by the difficulties of the economic downturn and of isolation and started sending food out to people who couldn’t come into the building to get it.  That’s making loving our neighbors a reality.  That takes listening to the Spirit’s call and trusting it enough to act on it.  I look forward to being part of the work you do and the love you share.  I know I’m not in a city; I’m appreciating the mountains instead.   

I’m in the office most days and would love to talk with you.  Give me a call; stop by and say hello; invite me to your house for coffee so I can see pictures of your kids and grandkids.   Let’s be a blessing to the world together.  

Grace and peace,


Pastor, UMD