July 19, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Savior and Healer of the world!

I pray that you are each well and continue to stay safe during the COVID pandemic. I had a text this morning from a friend in Pennsylvania where they are shutting down again after a spike in infections.  She said, “What a mess!” and it certainly does feel that way.  A news article this week reported the experts saying we could get through the worst if everyone in the country would wear masks for four-six weeks.  It sounds so simple but the reality is that this pandemic, sadly, has been politicized and now divides us instead of uniting us.  It makes me wonder how we will ever win the battle against this virus if we aren’t all dedicated to the single purpose of reducing infection and loss of life.  I’m asking for us continue to pray for all those in the front lines of the overburdened hospitals and health care facilities, those who struggle to remain safe in their work and home settings, and those who are sick or grieving the loss of loved ones.  We are still praying at 8 am and 8 pm, daily, for our church, community, the nation and the world!

Now for updates on the status of our work at United Ministry.   This week all the required paperwork for reopening was submitted to DS, Karen Monk.   Once I’ve heard from Rev. Monk, I will ask Deb to send out the worship protocols and a brief survey asking how you feel about returning to worship, especially how safe you will feel once you’ve seen our action plans.  I hope you’ll all take the few moments to give us your feedback!

While we wait for DS Monk’s approval, we a completing a number of tasks that must be done to assure we’re ready for reopening, including:  signage for the church doors and building regarding our COVID protocols, installation of projection screens in the sanctuary, trial-runs for our streamed worship services, and placement of needed supplies throughout the building.  The good news is that our technology and equipment have arrived and we can begin to set things in place!  Dates have been scheduled for trial-runs with Chelsea Frisbee who will do sound and equipment checks with Pat Nabinger and myself so that our worship services go smoothly.  The supplies, such as hand sanitizers, etc. are in the building and will be installed within the next two weeks. In addition, Bibles and hymnals have been removed from the sanctuary and other meeting rooms and are safely stored for future use.  Windows and curtains throughout the building have been cleaned and we have scheduled proposed dates in August to complete the painting.  The trustees are working on the repairs needed including the outside wall/foundation, downstairs bathrooms, floors and walkways, which should be done by September.  In addition, a gardener has been found and our garden will be cleaned up and restored, shortly.  Deb Kearney and I are planning a very abbreviated newsletter, which will be sent in August or early September, as we start to resume worship and possibly other small group meetings.  Now, I’m just waiting to hear that we can increase our worship attendance so that we are able to seat all our regular Sunday worshipers.  Let’s keep hoping and praying for continued good news regarding COVID infections in NY State and our neighboring states of NJ and CT.  I expect the governors will open things further based on that information. Let me say again that I continue to be impressed with and grateful to everyone who has worked so hard to help us be so far along with our preparations!  We will be ready when the approval is given.

Just this week I’ve saved for re-reading some news stories about COVID brain, How to Deal with Bullies, Emotional Numbing and Withdrawal caused by stressors including the pandemic, economic worries, uncertainty about the future, and anxiety regarding the cultural changes we are experiencing.  Adaptability and a heart at peace are needed now, more than ever, to face the challenges each day brings.  I hope that you are remembering the stages of grief (Denial, Bargaining, Depression, Anger and Acceptance – not necessary in any order).  As we go about our daily life, it’s helpful to remember that these emotions are emerging within us and others around us.  As the old saying goes “Different strokes for different folks” applies – as we each respond differently to challenges and to our day to day experience with the grief we feel over the dramatic departure of “normal life”.  Will that old way of life ever return?  Who knows?  So, we must also remain adaptable and remember that change creates both chaos and opportunity.  While things are no longer as they were, this is a wonderful time to assess each part of life and reconsider how we want our lives and the world to become as we move ahead.  Personally, I see positive changes as families draw closer together, return to “at home” activities, and reach out to explore the world in ways they may never have before.  For example, kayaks and camping gear, bicycles and yard games are very difficult to find, right now, partly because so many people want them.  This may be a good thing for our children and communities as it seems to offer a return to a simpler, relaxed home and family-centered life.  Of course, we are still learning what all this will mean in the long-term and for our families and communities, but the opportunities are there to make positive changes instead of longing for the past and living with a focus on the negatives and challenges this time has brought.  And of course, there is God at work in all of this, guiding and encouraging us to keep within us the hope, love, joy and peace that bring God’s active presence into the world – even during dark and uncertain times.   Keep the faith!  God hasn’t finished with us, yet! 

Now until next time – remember, I love you and I need you to survive!


July 12, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, the healer of our brokenness and the Savior of the World!
It’s hard to believe we’re already nearly half way through July!  Where does the time go?  Even in these days of continued social distancing it seems like things are on a fast paced schedule.  Businesses and other public places are opening up as things seem to return to “normal” in many ways, yet we’re still not able to open the church for worship.  I don’t know about you but sometimes I find it’s challenging to stay patient!  Then I look at the statistics and the infection numbers rising across our country and I’m reminded we’re still in the midst of a pandemic that spreads, perhaps most quickly, by entering rooms full of people and through breathing the same air.  When I think about that, I remember that waiting until we are fully prepared and have even more information about staying safe, is the best thing we can do as we continue to pray for all who are infected, the health care workers, our world, our nation and our community.  Don’t forget the 8 am and/or 8 pm prayer time which allows us to join together with others in prayer – even while we’re apart! 

Now for the latest update on where we are in getting ready for opening at the United Ministry.  The COVID_29 Task Force has approved the protocols to be sent this week to the District Superintendent, Karen Monk.  We are hoping that we will have our approval for opening for worship very soon.  The next step is getting all the worship technology and equipment installed, so that we can worship in the sanctuary and offer the service remotely.  It appears that we will have things in place by the end of this month for opening, hopefully, in August.  The last phase is to have the NYS approval for worship gatherings at 33% or more of the capacity which will allow anyone who normally attends worship at United Ministry to be present.  The present number would require our worship capacity to remain below our normal attendance and might mean that not everyone could participate, which is unacceptable to me.  I will keep you updated on this as soon as there is more information.  My only concern is that the coronavirus infections spreading across other states might cause a spike or some kind of increase of infections in the tristate area that will keep us on “hold”.   And, of course, my primary concern is for the safety and well-being of us all, here in Delhi and across the country.  Let’s hope and pray that people will take mask-wearing and social distancing seriously for their own safety and the safety of others!

As the work on the church property continues, the trustees are holding work days in July and August and need help completing some of the projects on their list.  These include working on sidewalks and areas outside, installing hand sanitizers throughout the building, and other improvements and upgrades.  These projects will help keep the building and property in safe condition and also help us to be ready for reopening.  Please watch for the information about dates and times, along with a project list you can sign-up for.  I hope you will consider doing whatever you’re able to help us be organized and ready!  We do wear masks and socially distance whenever we work, but it’s also a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and reconnecting with others we may not have seen during the past few months. 

As I reflect on all that’s happening in our lives, right now, I do urge you to remember the my weekly updates of the past few months and what I offered regarding the stages of grief and overcoming challenges with change.  We are in such a time of upheaval that it might be helpful to read and re-read that information and keep it close.  It isn’t only the COVID pandemic, but the demonstrations and public outcry that is leading us to address racial and social inequalities in our nation, uncertainty about our economy, continued anxiety caused by our distancing from family and friends, lack of clarity about school openings, businesses, health care facilities, etc.   It’s creating and abiding by new policies and protocols for safety.  And then, there’s just life itself.  Sometimes it can feel like too much at once.  I want you to know that there are many times that I feel overwhelmed and I’m sure you do, too.  It’s important to remember that everyone is in the same place as we continue to figure out how to live during this uncertain time.    Even though the stress is always there, this is the time to take care of ourselves as we remember to breathe, to relax, get as much rest as we need, to enjoy those things that are blessings in our lives, to appreciate that God is at work in the world during this crisis, and to be thankful.  Yes, thankful.  Why don’t you join with me in the daily practice of counting three blessings as you give thanks for them?   Then add to that your own, personal, greatest challenge of the day and thank God for it.  See, we don’t always think of challenges as blessings but they are!  The challenge you’re facing is the growing edge in your spiritual life and it is where God is working with you most of all to help you to grow and deepen your faith.  Gratitude for the challenge will replenish within us the gifts of love, hope, peace and joy that we all need get us through this time and into a bright new future!

In the meantime, stay safe and well.  Know that I love you and I need you to survive!


July 5, 2020

Good morning, friend(s) in Christ!

As I write to you this week, it is a beautiful day, the sun is shining on the sparkling drops of recent rain scattered among the grass and leaves, the birds are singing and all seems well with the world!  I am thankful for our God who in mercy, grace and love, creates and re-creates anew each day and sustains our lives with all that we need to live in the freedom of Christ’s love!

Even as I celebrate the awesome wonder of God’s care for us and for this world, I must admit that this week has brought many challenges as we continue to watch the spread of the COVID infection across our nation.  As we pray for those who are suffering, their family members and loved ones, the frontline health care workers and the leaders of communities who are looking for answers to the crisis, it is difficult to understand how others continue to deny the realities around them.  I find it challenging to understand and accept the continued refusal of some to take measures to assure the safety of others and to justify their selfish behavior as “personal freedom”.  It seems we will need to continue to pray for them as we give our support to all who are developing ways to reduce risk, contain the spread of the virus, and help us find our way through this time to a place where the infection rate is in decline everywhere! 

That said, we are waiting to hear the latest updates from NY State on reopening.  I have been waiting for us the reach Level IV which will allow us to worship at 33% of the sanctuary capacity.  This will allow 72 people to attend each week, which is more than our normal Sunday morning attendance.  Eventually, I expect that State will allow occupancy of 50% (assuming there are no new spikes in the NYState infection numbers).  In the meantime, we are securing the equipment we need for reopening, including all technology to livestream our service and offer in room screen projection.  It will be wonderful to offer the choice of attending worship in person at our usual Sunday morning time, live viewing from home, and access to recorded streaming of the service at any time a viewer would prefer.  What a wonderful way to help people worship who are unable to be present on Sunday mornings!  Additionally, the COVID Task Force is working to finalize our COVID Protocols for adoption by the Church Council.  Once completed we will share them with the membership and outside groups who depend on our building for their programs.  Be sure to watch for, complete and return the short COVID Survey which will help us in our work!

As our nation continues to face the challenges of our long his/herstory and the lingering infections caused by slavery and racism, I hope you will continue to pray with me for the God of all peace to be with us and our country during this time.  We have been given a tremendous opportunity to create a positive change and if we don’t, the infections within our nation will fester and cause even more damage to individuals, communities, institutions and our country.  This time has been entrusted to us by God.  I pray that we can respond faithfully and with the integrity and truth that is needed for healing to occur. 
Hopefully, like me, you’re finding ways to be out and about on these nice weather days and that you’re able to be with some of your family and friends.  We have all suffered as we missed those social contacts and connections!  I also hope that you are staying well in body, mind and spirit (COVID isn’t the only reasons we have to stay focused on our well-being!).  Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay strong in the faith! 
Remember, I love you and I need you to survive!


June 28, 2020

My Dear Friends in Christ,

Grace and Peace to you in the name of God the Creator, Christ the living Word, and the Spirit who is the  fiery wind that inspires and leads us into the new days ahead! 

I’m writing to let you know that even though the painting and reorganizing are nearly complete, there are still a number of things to be worked out before we can reopen our church for worship services.  Some projects will need to be completed later in the summer, probably after our reopening for Sundays.  It does seem like a very long time since we were together in our sanctuary and I know that you’re missing being together – as I miss each of you!  At this time, we are working to complete our protocols and are getting the technology in place for our services and for livestreaming.  Livestreaming will allow people who need or want to stay at home or who will be working on Sunday mornings, to join in worship from wherever they are.  It will even be possible to worship on a more convenient day later during the week by accessing the link on our webpage.  I am hoping that this will increase our attendance since anyone can participate in worship at any time that is best for them!  I do believe that COVID-19 has pushed us all into a different way of approaching the world we live in and that it is possible that we can be an even more inclusive and welcoming church through the use of technology.  AND those who wish to worship in the sanctuary will soon be able to do so.  I am waiting to reopen when we can have our full normal number in attendance.  That would mean we would have to be allowed to have 65 people in our sanctuary.  Presently, we can have 25% of the capacity of the room, which is a total of 55 people.  I’m hopeful that the numbers will soon change and we can open our doors for Sunday services.  As I’ve said before, watch for announcements which will come out as soon as we hear about any change. 

We will also be sending out a brief survey asking a few questions about attending church and how safe and comfortable you feel.  Please do take the time to complete the survey and return it so that we can you’re your input and better know your needs as we move ahead.  Watch for it around July 5th!

Finally, we have been dealing with so many different challenges during this time, it can feel like all the stability we once had has vanished.  If you remember, I did address this in past Sunday “letters” as I wrote to you about the stages of grief and also the process of adaptation to change.  I never imagined we’d be facing not only the coronavirus but also the upheaval in our nation and the world around racism, genderism, poverty and inequality of resource disposal, and huge economic changes as nations around the world begin to take climate change and our environmental future more seriously.  While it is wonderful and exciting to feel the surges of hope for our future and our children’s futures these changes potentially offer, we are also stressed and possibly anxious about the uncertainty that all of this brings.  In times like these it is so important to find the quiet center and to trust in God to bring us through.  We can be activists and work for positive change, but as Christians, we are also called to stay centered in our faith and remember that we are witnessing for Christ and his kin-dom in the world.  Stay focused on prayer and don’t forget to pray at 8 am and/or 8 pm, daily.  Journal your feelings and your concerns.  Remember to write three “gratitudes” each day and also express thanks for your biggest challenge as you ask God to both teach and help you through the adversity.  This time offers a huge opportunity to create a better world for all people.  It is also a wonderful time to focus on putting God first and deepening our spiritual connection with the God of mercy, grace and love. 

Have a great week!  Stay safe and well.  Remember, I love you and I need you to survive!


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Dear Friends and Christ Jesus,

I greet you in the glorious name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Our Savior – the healer of our brokenness and the Prince of Peace!
What a time this is to be alive.  Every day brings new news and greater changes and challenges for us to adjust to.  It is a time of tremendous uncertainty and also of tremendous opportunity as we keep the faith and witness to the world that we are confident that God will lead us through. 

One huge part of faith witnessing is “Staying Calm and Carrying On” which is what we are doing at United Ministry.  We have steadily been carrying on with the work and ministries of the church.  Worship, meetings, staff projects, building repairs and improvements have all continued even during this challenging time.  While the focus has been on being ready for our return to church, another purpose has been to witness to our faith and demonstrate our confidence in God’s loving plans for us all.  I truly do believe there is a future and I do believe that, though things are difficult now, the future will be bright and filled with joy, hope, love and peace!

That’s why we are continuing to prepare for the return to worship.  You have probably heard that this part of New York State is now in Phase III of reopening.  This means that some, previously closed businesses, can resume operations.  Food service restrictions have been lifted, slightly, and restaurants can begin to open with social distancing and careful food handling.  The restrictions on church attendance now allow us to meet in groups of 25 people who wear masks and remain 6-9 feet apart.  We can also begin to prepare to return to our worship spaces at 25% of the maximum occupancy.  Our sanctuary will hold 220 which means 25% is 55 people.  Our usual Sunday attendance is about 65 people (more or less) which is over the 25% occupancy figure.  So, since we must have our written protocols in place and approved before we can reopen,  I’m hopeful that by the time New York enters Phase IV, the number allowed in the sanctuary will be enough larger to allow us to have everyone who wants to return, attend our worship services.  We are still in the process of working out the details but you will be hearing more – soon!  One thing we need to know is if you intend to return to church on a regular basis once we reopen.  Watch for a survey in the next week or two! 

In the meantime, continue to pray.  Pray at 8 am and 8 pm and whenever the thought to pray enters your mind.  Pray for your church and the congregation and leaders, for the community, for leaders in every nation and for the world.  We are in a time of strife and epic change.  We need prayer to help us and support us and keep us strong in the faith as we navigate the challenges we are facing.  I do believe God is at work and that when we come through this time, we will live in a world where the Prince of Peace is closer than perhaps ever before.  This is my hope and my prayer!

For now, keep the faith.  Let peace abide in your hearts and lives.  Know that I love you and need you to survive. 


June 7, 2020

My dear friends in Christ Jesus,

Grace and peace to you on this day and each day in the name of the Lord and Savior of the World, Jesus, the healer of our brokenness. 

What a challenging week this has been!  I have felt so overwhelmed by all that is happening and the woundedness of our nation, especially our black sisters and brothers.  What better time to remember the words of Paul, “Neither Greek nor Jew, slave nor free, male nor female – all are one in Christ Jesus.”  To which we might add, neither black nor white, peaceful demonstrator or law enforcement officer, rich or poor, educated or not, privileged or disenfranchised – all are truly alike in our Lord and Savior and in the eyes of God who has created each one of us in God’s own image.  I ask you to join with me in prayers during this time for the healing of our nation and for God to show us the way forward that leads to peace and justice for all people. 

The work at the church continues as we push to be ready for opening when NYS moves our area to Level IV rating.  We are completing painting in the sanctuary and McCall Hall, as well as the pastor’s office.  Replacement of the floors in kitchens, bathrooms and storage closets throughout the building, which we discovered were asbestos tile, is perhaps next on the agenda with some additional work to ready our sanctuary for the return to worship.  We are also working on the protocols for the congregation and for outside groups who we expect will want to use our building once again, moving forward.  These are in process at this time. 

One thing I’d like to say is that you may have heard about other churches that are open for worship.  I myself have direct knowledge of two churches in our area that have opened in recent weeks.  Let me be clear, while I celebrate their love for Christ and their desire to resume weekly worship services, they are not in compliance with the NYS and CDC timeline for reopening!  The process we are following will assure that we are abiding by the lawful return to worship which also allows for the protection of those who choose to come into the building for worship.  You should also know that some churches are allowing choirs to sing and congregational hymn singing and that, as I write this, I have heard a rumor that the CDC is now allowing congregational and choirs to sing.  I hope this isn’t true since the CDC has previously stated that congregations and choirs should not sing because when we sing we spray spittle into the air up to a twenty foot distance from the singer.  This in itself is a danger, but the particles when singing are smaller than those produced with regular breathing and are, therefore, more easily absorbed by both the singers and those in the pews.  Finally, when sing we breathe in much more deeply than our usual breathing pattern and this increases the risk of inhaling infection deep into the lungs.   This is why we cannot and will not be singing during our worship until we have a clear protocol that allows us to sing, safely.  I hope you know how this breaks my heart.  I am a singer.  My first work in the church was as a church musician and professional singer.  I long to sing!  But in the interest of protecting myself and others, I will resist the impulse until I know it is safe.  Bishop Bickerton has asked us to remember that all the things we are doing, even if we would rather follow our usual worship practices, is an expression of love that comes with the desire to “Do No Harm”.  We are generously and with grace giving up some of our own personal desires and wishes for the safety and protection of us all.
I believe that we can and should pray for those churches that have opened against the direction of the state and CDC.  I hope the leaders and congregations remain safe and well.  I also hope you know that by breaking the guidelines they put not only themselves as risk, but everyone else in the community they come in contact with, at the grocery store, on the street, and in our health care system, should they get COVID-19.  Pray for them and for us all.

I am also letting you know that the bishop has generously offered to provide worship so that all clergy can have Sunday, June 14 as a day of rest.  I love being with you but I haven’t taken a Sunday off since last October and I feel the need for some rest and renewal.  So, I will be off, per the Bishop’s instructions, from Thursday through Sunday of next week.  As soon as we receive the link for this service, we will provide it for you so you can access the worship service and message from the Bishop.  I hope you will take this opportunity to join with other UM congregations in the NY Annual Conference and to hear the Bishop preach.  He’s pretty good, if I do say so myself!  I will be back with you all on June 21st for our usual Sunday format which will continue until we are given the “all clear” and can worship together once again, in our sanctuary.  I hope, prayerfully, that will be sometime in July and am aiming to be ready by July 1st so we can open our doors right away, once we get the “ok”. 

In the meantime, stay safe and well.  Pray for those who are still facing risks of infection or battling the COVID -19 virus, pray for families separated by continued social distancing and especially for those in nursing homes and health care facilities, pray for the first responders and health care workers.  Pray for all our children in this time.  And please for the peace and healing of our nation in your daily 8 am and/or 8 pm prayers.  Stay connected with friends and loved ones, near and far.  And know that I love you – and need you to survive. 


Update – May 31, 2020

Greetings my friends in Christ!

Happy Pentecost!  May God’s Spirit be with you always, and especially on this day as we celebrate the coming of God’s Spirit on all people and the birth of Christ’s Holy Church!  Happy Birthday to us and to all believers everywhere!

I have a few updates for you as we move into the last Sunday of May while still social distancing.  As you know, this part of NYS has recently been approved for Stage II of the plan for reopening businesses and our communities, following the period of time we stayed apart to reduce the impact of infections and deaths that would overburden our health care system.  We can celebrate that these steps have been successful, so far, in assuring our safety.  However, as you know we’re not out of the woods, yet.  There are Four Stages in the plan and we are to remain socially distanced while we wait until churches are cleared for reopening.  At the present time, we are allowed to hold small meetings and gatherings of not more than five people, who wear masks and remain 6 feet apart.  Clearly, this does not allow for worship gatherings at this time. 

However, the good news is that we have received guidelines from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and from the New York Annual Conference through the office of Bishop Bickerton, which we are using to develop protocols and safe procedures for our reopening.  I have called a Task Force that includes:  Jeff Ackerly, Carol Greene, Liz Frisbee, Cathy Johnson, Chelsea Frisbee, Edie Campbell, and all our staff (Deb Kearney, Pat Nabinger, Evelyn Jacksto and Pam Savage).  These people were invited because of the specific role they have as an officer of the church, member of council, leader of a specific ministry group, and the work that they do in assuring the function of our church and ministries.  We have reviewed all the documents we have received and met this week to begin to develop our protocols, which will be specific to United Ministry’s congregational and community needs.  Once the protocols are written, they will be reviewed by all relevant committees and approved/adopted by the Church Council.  There is very likely going to be a congregational survey to gain your input and feedback, as well as an invitation to express your concerns.  We hope that you know how important you are and how hard we will work to do things in ways that assure the safety and protection of all, while also being the church where you can continue to come to be spiritually nurtured and supported by the bonds we share. 

I’m sure you know, there will be changes.  Change has been a focus of my updates to you during this time apart as we’ve focused on grief, adaptation and challenges related to embracing change.  Please remember that we are all adjusting to the change this time has brought and that it will be difficult for each of us, though possibly in differing ways.  No change is being made without prayerful consideration and thoughtful preparation with the focus on safety for all involved, including the congregation, staff, visitors, building users, and cleaning personnel.  Cleaning the building and keeping the standards expected is has huge implications and is a large part of the focus of our protocols. 

The good news is that with the support of the trustees, council and staff (especially Evelyn Jacksto) we are well ahead of the curve in having our building ready for reopening.  The cleaning, reorganizing and painting are all steps that we have completed or that are nearly done.  There are a few remaining projects to complete and then, with our protocols, we will present our report on what we have done and how we intend to move forward to the District Superintendent, Rev. Karen Monk.  It is my expectation that once Karen sees our plan, she will provide us with the “seal” that we are to display on our doors and throughout the building.  This seal states that we have completed the process for reopening and have plans in place to minimize possible coronavirus infections.  Once we have reached this level and NYS allows group gatherings of 50 (or more), we will reopen.  I am optimistic that we will be ready by the end of June/beginning of July and that the approvals will be in place.  In the meantime, we will continue to worship remotely, pray for our church, one another, and the world at 8 am and/or 8 pm daily, and connect by phone, computer and limited (safe) contact. 

Bishop Bickerton has been very clear that taking these precautions allows us to demonstrate Christian love for one another and to model that love for the community.  We may be tempted to want to hurry the process and get back to former ways of living, but the reality is that the former ways are no more.  This is a new time and it provides us with a wonderful opportunity to “Do Good” while “Doing No Harm” as we “Stay in Love With God” (John Wesley’s “Simple Rules”). 

Please pray for the leadership task force and all the leaders of the church at this time.  This is exhausting and challenging work and we need your prayers to keep us strong.  We’ll get there!  The time is coming soon and very soon when we will be together again.  Until then, stay safe and well.  You are in my prayers and, remember, I love you all and I need you to survive. 


Update from Pastor Betsy, May 24, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

Grace and peace to you in the name of God the Creator, Son and Holy Spirit!  I hope that you are each safe and well as we enjoy the most glorious weather this part of the creation has to offer!  What a change a few weeks can make taking us from snow to sunshine and warm breezes.  Who would have guessed?

Of course, the weather isn’t the only thing that’s been changing quickly over the past few weeks.  We are moving from near social isolation to a new phase in our “relationship” with the Coronavirus as we continue to adjust to this new time.  With warmer weather, the restrictions in our part of NYS have been lifted, though only construction work, lawn maintenance with landscaping, and some shopping access have been impacted. Masks and social distancing rules still apply.  The challenge is that many people have taken the nicer weather and lifting of some restrictions as permission to resume life as it was before.  I see people without masks, larger social gatherings and failure to comply with safe distancing in the news and in our community.  The fact is, that the virus is still with us and we are learning, step by step, what this means.  We are still at risk of “flare ups” and could overwhelm the health care system if many people were to be seriously infected at one time.   We still need to do everything we can to prevent that kind of outbreak.

So what does this mean?  Well, to be honest we’re still finding out.  The reason for the slow reopening is to allow for assessments and adjustments to be made, when and where they are needed.  We might find ourselves taking one step forward only to step back again if there are outbreaks.  If you recall my previous articles, I mentioned the denial stage of grief which can make us resistant to accepting a new reality.  Denial can cause people to believe that not wearing a mask or abiding by safe distancing is a way to “get over” the grief they feel at the loss of a former life.  I also wrote to you about experiencing a transition during change and how we can want answers quickly, but that it’s important to remember that no one really knows all the answers right now and it will take time, mistakes, re-steps and adjustments to get things “right”’ as we move ahead.  Flexibility, patience and forgiveness of self and others are needed most of all.  All of this makes us weary.  I myself am tired of constantly thinking about what is safe and what isn’t, remembering to take and wear my mask, keeping social distance when my first thought is to offer a handshake or even a hug when I see someone I know or meet a new person.  It’s exhausting!  Rest is essential for all of us as we learn new things, connect in new ways, and engage with more technology than we ever imagined we would need or use.  Rest will help us to access peace. 

As I said at the start of this message, some restrictions have been eased but churches are not included on this new list.  Recently, NYS has allowed gatherings of ten people for small worship group meetings which is to allow for the quorum needed to conduct Jewish religious services.  For other worship services and church building use, the new limits are that not more than 50% of the sanctuary or worship space is to be used at once, social distancing applies, masks are to be worn by all participants, people over 65 or with high health related risks are encouraged to stay at home, and media is to be used to stream worship services to the congregation and community.  Touching, singing, choirs and musicians are all restricted.  Just this week I received a lengthy protocol document from Bishop Bickerton and there is a clergy webinar that I will participate in on Tuesday, which will provide more information.  Then, a task force of the United Ministry staff, our Nurture, Outreach and Witness team leaders, the Church Council Chair and Trustee President and SPR chair will begin to define our protocols for reopening and building use.  There is a process we are expected to complete by the United Methodist denomination and, once completed, we will receive a sticker to affix to our building that indicates that we are complying with Covid-safe practices.  The good news is that many of the basic criteria for approval have already been done!  Though there is still much to do, we are several steps ahead and this means that we might be approved for reopening before too long.  What the timing will be, I am still not sure.  I promise that we will let you know as soon as we have things in place and the reopening can be announced. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t say how much I appreciate the spirit of everyone who has been working on getting the building ready for our return, which includes the support for Zoom conference meetings, online worship services, and live streaming.  Without the support of the trustees, the church council, the staff and the volunteer workers we would be in a far different place and our reopening preparation would be overwhelming.  Thank you to everyone who has been directly involved for all you have done and are doing for the church!  Thank you to each of you for your continued prayers and support, if only from a distance, during this time.  Your prayers have lifted us all on “eagle’s wings”.  Please do remember to keep the daily 8 am and/or 8 pm prayer time active.   The power of prayer is what puts the wind of God’s Spirit beneath our wings!   

Once I have more information, I will send out another update.  In the meantime, our weekly worship will continue as it is.  Remember that the Spirit of the Living God unites us whenever we gather in His Holy name – even while we are apart!  To God be the glory!

You remain in my prayers.  I need you to survive.


May 17, 2020

My Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings to you on this mid-May Sunday morning (or whenever you are worshiping this week).  I pray that you are safe and well, wherever you are.  As I write to you, the weather has turned and the temperatures are rising to a more seasonal range.  Plants and flowers are blossoming (along with allergies, itches and sneezes for many of us!) and there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel as some social distancing restrictions are lifted in this part of NY State.  Good news!

Some of us are excited about the possibilities of life returning to some normalcy.  I’ve been reading about a new symptom of this time which is being called “quarantine fatigue” and it is real.  Quarantine fatigue is what motivates us to get outside and get going again after a long period of isolation from others.  It was recognized back in the days when people were quarantined for illnesses that are now treatable or rare – like scarlet fever, measles, mumps or whooping cough.  Before antibiotics and vaccines, children and families were quarantined with these illnesses and when they were at last allowed to come outside, they were recognizable because they were so elated to be free and out in the world again they were obvious to others because of their unrestricted behaviors.  Even then, though, there were others who came out of quarantine more cautiously and slowly because they feared reinfections and return to isolation.  We are seeing both these patterns today.  In fact, some of the behaviors of those who are demanding that all restrictions be lifted, usually for their personal convenience or preference, are clearly experiencing some form of quarantine fatigue with a lot of “I want what I want no matter what” mixed in.  And there are those who are going to be afraid to step out of their homes, overcome with fear and anxiety at the uncertainty about infection that we now realize will be with us for an unknown length of time.  In between, are those who are cautious and will abide by the recommendations and requirements as they reenter life while engaging in some kinds of contact with people. 

Given these dramatic differences, clearly, this is a very delicate time.  It is possibly the most uncertain time we have faced, so far, as we’ve learned about life with COVID-19.  Part of the challenge will be staying true to ourselves and what we are comfortable doing.  This will mean constantly assessing our feelings and our sense of what seems safe and what doesn’t.  It will mean dealing with some of those with quarantine fatigue who may push boundaries and make us uncomfortable by abandoning masks and ignoring social distancing guidelines.  It might mean having friends and family members who for health reasons or due to anxiety, remain socially isolated and distanced even past the “all clear”.  There is great potential for irritation, anger and conflict in the days ahead because of our uncertainties, doubts, fears and behaviors.  What will be required to get us through is patience, understanding, acceptance and peace making. 

As I think more about this, I find myself remembering John Wesley’s Three Ordinances or, as Bishop Reuben Job paraphrased them in his book of the same title, The Three Simple Rules.  These rules are Wesley’s writings on how to live a Christian life, refined to three key points:

  1.  Do no harm.
  2. Do good.
  3. Stay in love with God (by following specific faith practices that keep your faith strong). 

Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?  Of course, these rules are more complicated than they seem.  Doing no harm sounds easy until our needs and interests conflict with those of other people.  Yet, the question at the core of whatever we choose to do will need to be:  Is this necessary?  Is it important?  What are the possible implications for me and for others?  Doing good also sounds simple but requires the same sort of analysis:  Is this good for me or for someone else?  How will this behavior benefit my family, my community, the church or the world?  And staying in love with God!  Of course, that makes sense, doesn’t it?  Wesley gave very specific ways for people of faith to continue to develop a deeper relationship with God through prayer, studying the Bible and searching the scriptures, fasting, regular worship with frequent (even daily)  Holy Communion, and generous giving to those in need.  Of course, there is much more to that can be said about John Wesley’s guidelines for leading a Christian life and Bishop Job’s book is a useful read for us as we face the challenges of the modern world.  If you’d like to learn more, I recommend purchasing Three Simple Rules or exploring the internet for more in depth exploration of these Wesleyan faith practices. 

The point is that what really matters as we transition out of quarantine to a new normal, is that we, as a Christian community of faith, recognize that this time of challenge is also a time of tremendous opportunity.  As we examine our choices and actions from a Christ-centered perspective, we are witnessing for the one we love and serve in what we say and what we do.  Following the faith practices Wesley emphasizes, will deepen our love for God while also helping us to deepen our love for our neighbors.  This is the root of the peace we will need to safely navigate this time as we move from social distancing to social connecting.  Peace, real peace,  must be rooted in doing no harm, doing good, and staying in love with God.  It is my hope that we can be peace-filled witnesses for the Gospel as we demonstrate to one another, our community and the world, the shalom-power of Christ to bring healing to our woundedness and to restore our souls. 

That said, we will wait for further word on reopening the church for worship and other ministries or events.  We are receiving building use requests but have put everyone on hold until we have clear instructions and guidelines in place for what a reopening will look like.  The staff is working, but our offices are still closed to the public.  The Playschool will not reopen for the remainder of the school year and will be following all safe practices and guidelines for children/classrooms, as will Sunday school, youth activities and Kid’s Club, when the expected reopening occurs in the fall.  We will continue to meet, remotely, at least for now.  And singing, including how to have our choir, remain uncertain until we hear more about how we can sing without fear of spreading infection into the air with our breath.  On the other hand, we now have some new technology and will be looking for ways to bring worship with live streaming and/or video into our homes.  We may also begin studies and discussions groups using zoom and/or conference calling to help us stay better connected.  We can always reach out to one another by “old fashioned” telephone or even dropping cards or notes in the mail (which many of us have been doing all along!). 

And one day, eventually, we will meet again for our worship and fellowship together.  In the meantime, let’s Do Good – Do No Harm – and Stay In Love With God so that peace will shine through our hearts and lives bringing shalom to a world in need of healing! 

Pastor Betsy

May 10, 2020

My dear friends in Christ,

What a disappointment it is after a few warm days as we return to January temperatures in early May!  It just seems to make the social distancing a little bit more burdensome when the weather continues to play havoc with our lives and our plans.  Sigh!  I guess we all just need to remind ourselves that it will be warm and sunny with bright blue skies again.  In the meantime we watch and wait.

Watching and waiting is a good way to describe what’s going on as we continue our social distancing and the church remains closed.  I forwarded a letter from Bishop Bickerton to you this week and the latest news is that churches are not to open at all in May.  We are on a hold until we hear more, but even June is still uncertain.  The reality is that this is a slow process.  Decisions must be made about how people will gather, what events/activities will be allowed, what numbers of people can be in one place – it’s very challenging and the weight of making a wrong choice is very hard for all involved.  We must care for those who are at high risk for infections and we also need to be aware that we don’t even have all the information about who and how people are coming into contact with COVID-19.  So, we watch and we wait until we have a clear or at least better plan for how we will be together again. 

Work at the church continues with painting of bathrooms and the kitchen.  We are planning to paint the sanctuary floor boards and have discovered some other things that are priorities for the trustees in the coming weeks.  At least we are making a positive use of this shutdown to have a healthy, safe and pleasant building for our congregation and community use when we come together again.  Some volunteers, the staff and I are in and out of the building during the week, so don’t be surprised if you see our cars in the parking lot.  However, we are still closed to all use except the Food Pantry.  Once we’re open again, we’ll be sure to let you know!

The Food Pantry hasn’t had as much use as we expected in these first weeks of the pandemic.  However, we know that there are feeding programs through the school that probably won’t continue past the usual end of the school year so we expect greater demand during the summer or as unemployment and loss of income continue to take a toll on family and individual resources.  We will update you on any needs we have moving ahead and are grateful for all the financial contributions and support given. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about all the changes we’re going through, personally, in our community and in the world.  Change is what happens on the “outside” of a situation.  Transitioning is what happens within us as we adjust/adapt to the change.  There are steps to transitioning through change just as there are steps in the grief and grieving process (see my article for April 30th on grief.).  Let’s look for a moment at how we adapt to change which I have adapted from an article from the Center for Creative Leadership titled “How to Transition Through Change”:

Stage 1 – Transitioning:  Accepting the Ending 
This stage is exactly what it sounds like.  Three strategies to accept an ending are:

  • Admit to ourselves and others that a change has occurred and be as honest as possible about feelings and grief process.  Part of navigating through grief and accepting an ending is expressing the change that has occurred. 
  • Next, actively seek information about the nature of the change without judgment.
  • Begin to pay attention to what has been lost and also to look for what has been gained by the change. 

Stage 2 – Live in the Neutral Zone 
This is probably the most uncomfortable part of the change process because it is a time of confusion, with no clear ending or beginning in site.  Four strategies to help:

  • Realize that uncertainty is a natural part of the process and don’t expect to know everything or expect perfection from yourself or others.  Accept limitations and acknowledge that everyone is learning as they go.
  • Set short-term goals to move forward.  Focus on accomplishing things that are doable and fit the time frame you’re in.  Enjoy the sense of accomplishment!
  • Look back and acknowledge what you had while looking forward to new possibilities.  Embrace them both and be thankful for the ways the past has prepared you for the future. 
  • Connect to your values especially when confused or when you are feeling overwhelmed.  This is the time to draw on your personal values and beliefs to help you through. 

Stage 3 – Reach Your New Beginning 
Think of this time as an opportunity to have a fresh start in a changed environment.  Try these strategies to help:

  • Jump in to meet new people or give people you may have not known well before a place in creating the new beginning with you.  Changed dynamics open possibilities for new relationships. 
  • Create ways to address new/emerging challenges while keeping the focus on the reason(s) for the change and the focus on new opportunities.
  • Mark and celebrate successes and small gains. 

Remember that nearly all of us find change, especially unplanned or unwanted change, difficult.  However, change is a reality of life.  In fact, change IS the reality of life.  Nothing stays the same.  Each day, when finished, ends as a new day begins.  Accepting and then embracing what that means is key to dealing effectively and positively to change. As we continue to move forward through this time, remember we are in God’s care.  God made the sun rise and set each day, designed the seasons, and brings surprising winds of winter into spring and spring like moments of warmth and sun into the season of winter rest.  God knows and understands change as a time of opportunity to have a fresh start and see life from a new perspective.  With God’s help and support we will come through this time and find a new possibility waiting for us.  So, as we adapt, we can be leaders through this transition as we help others who are struggling to adjust to a different reality.  As we lead, we are witnesses to our belief that: God is good all the time – All the time God is good!

In the meantime, I hold you all in my prayers.  I love you and I need you to survive.

Pastor Betsy