July 12, 2020
Dear Friends in Christ,
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, the healer of our brokenness and the Savior of the World!
It’s hard to believe we’re already nearly half way through July! Where does the time go? Even in these days of continued social distancing it seems like things are on a fast paced schedule. Businesses and other public places are opening up as things seem to return to “normal” in many ways, yet we’re still not able to open the church for worship. I don’t know about you but sometimes I find it’s challenging to stay patient! Then I look at the statistics and the infection numbers rising across our country and I’m reminded we’re still in the midst of a pandemic that spreads, perhaps most quickly, by entering rooms full of people and through breathing the same air. When I think about that, I remember that waiting until we are fully prepared and have even more information about staying safe, is the best thing we can do as we continue to pray for all who are infected, the health care workers, our world, our nation and our community. Don’t forget the 8 am and/or 8 pm prayer time which allows us to join together with others in prayer – even while we’re apart!
Now for the latest update on where we are in getting ready for opening at the United Ministry. The COVID_29 Task Force has approved the protocols to be sent this week to the District Superintendent, Karen Monk. We are hoping that we will have our approval for opening for worship very soon. The next step is getting all the worship technology and equipment installed, so that we can worship in the sanctuary and offer the service remotely. It appears that we will have things in place by the end of this month for opening, hopefully, in August. The last phase is to have the NYS approval for worship gatherings at 33% or more of the capacity which will allow anyone who normally attends worship at United Ministry to be present. The present number would require our worship capacity to remain below our normal attendance and might mean that not everyone could participate, which is unacceptable to me. I will keep you updated on this as soon as there is more information. My only concern is that the coronavirus infections spreading across other states might cause a spike or some kind of increase of infections in the tristate area that will keep us on “hold”. And, of course, my primary concern is for the safety and well-being of us all, here in Delhi and across the country. Let’s hope and pray that people will take mask-wearing and social distancing seriously for their own safety and the safety of others!
As the work on the church property continues, the trustees are holding work days in July and August and need help completing some of the projects on their list. These include working on sidewalks and areas outside, installing hand sanitizers throughout the building, and other improvements and upgrades. These projects will help keep the building and property in safe condition and also help us to be ready for reopening. Please watch for the information about dates and times, along with a project list you can sign-up for. I hope you will consider doing whatever you’re able to help us be organized and ready! We do wear masks and socially distance whenever we work, but it’s also a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and reconnecting with others we may not have seen during the past few months.
As I reflect on all that’s happening in our lives, right now, I do urge you to remember the my weekly updates of the past few months and what I offered regarding the stages of grief and overcoming challenges with change. We are in such a time of upheaval that it might be helpful to read and re-read that information and keep it close. It isn’t only the COVID pandemic, but the demonstrations and public outcry that is leading us to address racial and social inequalities in our nation, uncertainty about our economy, continued anxiety caused by our distancing from family and friends, lack of clarity about school openings, businesses, health care facilities, etc. It’s creating and abiding by new policies and protocols for safety. And then, there’s just life itself. Sometimes it can feel like too much at once. I want you to know that there are many times that I feel overwhelmed and I’m sure you do, too. It’s important to remember that everyone is in the same place as we continue to figure out how to live during this uncertain time. Even though the stress is always there, this is the time to take care of ourselves as we remember to breathe, to relax, get as much rest as we need, to enjoy those things that are blessings in our lives, to appreciate that God is at work in the world during this crisis, and to be thankful. Yes, thankful. Why don’t you join with me in the daily practice of counting three blessings as you give thanks for them? Then add to that your own, personal, greatest challenge of the day and thank God for it. See, we don’t always think of challenges as blessings but they are! The challenge you’re facing is the growing edge in your spiritual life and it is where God is working with you most of all to help you to grow and deepen your faith. Gratitude for the challenge will replenish within us the gifts of love, hope, peace and joy that we all need get us through this time and into a bright new future!
In the meantime, stay safe and well. Know that I love you and I need you to survive!